
Vascular medicine service

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery

Townsville Hospital and Health Service

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About Us

The Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Townsville University Hospital cares for patients from across North Queensland who have medical conditions related to their veins and arteries. The team uses a state-of-the-art Hybrid Suite with Robotic C-arm Machine (Zeego) in a dedicated vascular lab. 

Our team works closely with the medical imaging department and their MRI and PET CT, the hyperbaric medicine unit and our intensive care unit . On average, 1,200 open and endovascular procedures are performed by our team each year.

Our team is committed to keeping patients closer to home and their support networks. Where possible and clinically appropriate, we see patients outside of Townsville via telehealth consultations.

The unit is recognised for vascular training by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, intern training by James Cook University <www.jcu.edu.au> and has an approved position for an overseas vascular Fellow every year.


  • Aortic aneurysms including complex disease - OSR, EVAR, TEVAR, BEVAR
  • Arterial occlusive disease of the lower extremities- Bypasses including distal, pedal
  • Endovascular interventions including retrograde techniques and atherectomy
  • Cerebrovascular disease-CEA and CAS
  • Mesenteric and renal revascularization both open and endovascular
  • Renal and chemotherapy access - open and percutaneous.
  • Central vein stenosis
  • Venous disease - RFA and nonthermal ablation for varicose veins
  • Interventional treatment of DVT, PE, May-Thurner syndrome, Pelvic congestion syndrome.
  • Diabetic foot related problems
  • Amputation prevention clinic - clinicians from across specialties help to reduce minor and major amputations in the diabetic population through education, medical advice and medical treatments.

Access to these services is through your general practitioner

Quick Facts About The Region

Townsville University Hospital is located in the suburb of Douglas, the council of Townsville, the state electorate of Mundingburra and the federal electorate of Herbert.