• Health Team

    Girudala Community Co-Operative Society Ltd

    The Health Team at Girudala assists individuals and groups to adopt healthy behaviours that maintain and improve the overall health and wellbeing of all residents in the communities of Bowen, Collinsville and Proserpine. This is done by conducting health awareness information sessions, community displays, school and community health promotion programs and health screenings.

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  • Indigenous Health

    Mackay Hospital And Health Service

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.

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  • Indigenous Health

    Mackay Hospital And Health Service

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.

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  • Indigenous Health

    Mackay Hospital And Health Service

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.

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  • Integrated Team Care

    Girudala Community Co-Operative Society Ltd

    The Integrated Team Care Program was established to improve chronic conditions outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people by improving access to primary health care, including cultural appropriate mainstream services, and by providing care coordination and access to brokerage funds (Supplementary Services) for eligible clients.

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