Sports Clubs in Alpine
Sports Clubs
Bright Tennis Club
The Bright Tennis Club is situated in picturesque Bright, North East Victoria. We are a member based community club and offer a range of member services and facilities including four artificial grass courts and four “mini” Hot Shots Courts.
Sports Clubs
Myrtleford Golf Club
Myrtleford boasts an 18 hole grass green course with fairways lined with trees and some of River Red gums are reputed to be 300 years old. It is a challenging course with accuracy on the narrow fairways and small greens being at a premium.
Sports Clubs
Myrtleford Speedway Club
The Myrtleford Speedway is situated at the Myrtleford Showgrounds, the main circuit is 360 metres in length and the track is of a granitic surface with a concrete wall around the outside.