Acute and Specialists Care

Cancer service

Thursday Girls Group

Thursday Girls Group

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About Us

Thursday Girls is a free, weekly, professionally led support group for women living with advanced breast cancer. There is no cure for this life-threatening illness, but modern treatments and drugs often extend the lives of people with this illness for many years. 

These women face many challenges and value the group greatly. The group provides them with a safe space to share their dilemmas, their fears, joys and appreciation of life and relationships while they last. The women in the group also support each other by sharing information about drugs and treatments.

The group lasts for one and a half hours. Social contact is encouraged between members. This enables important bonds to form and be strengthened.

The group is facilitated by professional counsellors with extensive experience in the fields of group facilitation and loss and grief.

Thursday Girls meet each Thursday (with the exception of school holidays) in Blackburn North, in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. We hold both online and in-person group meetings This makes it possible for women living anywhere in Victoria to join the group.

Referrals are from patients themselves, oncologists, breast surgeons, healthcare providers and  organisations within the cancer community, such as the McGrath Foundation, Cancer Council of Victoria, and the Breast Cancer Network of Australia.

There is also a fortnightly group for partners of the Thursday Girls to provide them with a safe space to talk about and share the challenges and effects of living with a partner with advanced (incurable) breast  cancer.

Thursday Girls Group View
Thursday Girls Partners GroupView