Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+) in Greater Geelong
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
QLife is Australia’s first national peer support and referral service for people of diverse sexes, genders, and sexualities. QLife provides free peer supported nation-wide early intervention, telephone, and web-based services to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and gender diverse, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse (LGBTIQ+) people of all ages.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
The Bouverie Centre
. Family therapy where there is a significant behavioural emotional or psychiatric difficulty which is not improving and which is of a serious nature. This includes parent and child/adolescent difficulties which are entrenched; the impact of someone in the family having a serious mental health is...
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
Tiny Pride - LGBTIQA+ Inclusion
Tiny PrideTiny Pride is committed to bridging the gap between the lived experience of LGBTIQA+ people and the rest of community. We are experts in inclusion capacity building and organisational change + partner on research and projects related to rainbow parents, health and well being, disability pride, ageing, policing and community safety. We host flagship events that celebrate LGBTIQA+ pride.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
Trans Wellbeing
Are you coming to terms with your child being trans or non-binary, and worried about how the world will treat them? Get in-depth, professional and individual guidance with this 7-week online group program, so that you can nurture the wellbeing of your child. "I am so much more hopeful for my child and better equipped to help them." (Lisa, parent of 17yo)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
Transgender Victoria
To achieve justice, equity and quality health and community service provision for transgender people, their partners, families and friends.
Diverse Communities & Social Services (DCSS Australia Inc.) Indigenous & LGBTIQA+ Community Justice and Social Services Charity / Not-For-Profit & Charity Community Consultants (NFPCCC) Indigenous DGR PBI Charities
#Dcss - Diverse Community Justice & Social Services (Www.Dcssjustice.Au) #Lgbtiq #Multicultural #Disability #Firstnations #Indigenous #Diversity #Equality #Inclusion #Dei #Nfp #CharityThis program enables us to assist people who are disadvantaged and who genuinely want to change their lives. Clients can complete a WDP through our organisation, for more information please visit: https://www.dcssaustralia.org/services or email Justice@dcssaustralia.org