Fitness Activities
parkrun - Westerfolds
Parkrun Australia
About Us
Westerfolds parkrun in a larger map Course Description The course starts near the main carpark off the Fitzsimons Lane entrance and runners follow an anti-clockwise direction along sealed pathway. The route does not cross any roads. Facilities Getting There Location of startThe run starts near the main carpark off the Fitzsimons Lane entrance. Getting there by public transportBus: Numbers 153, 201 and 301 stop near Porter Street Entrance. Number 293 stops on Fitzsimons Lane Entrance. Numbers 152 and 281 stop near both Porter Street & Fitzsimons Lane Entrances Getting there on footPedestrian & cycling pathways remain open at all hours including: Over footbridge from Montpelier Reserve. Pathway from Porter Street. Pathway from Candlebark Park. Pathway from Fitzsimons Lane. Canoe & Kayak: Canoe landing just downstream from Fitzsimons Lane Bridge. Getting there by roadVisitors can access the park via road through gates on Porter Street and Fitzsimons Lane. Post Run Coffee Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee in a local Café - please come and join us!
Quick Facts About The Region
parkrun - Westerfolds is located in the suburb of Templestowe, the council of Manningham City and the federal electorate of Menzies.
Extra Information
Age Ranges All ages
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