General Child Services in Surf Coast
General Child Services
Anglesea Community Health Centre
Barwon Health Anglesea Services. Community Health Centre. Diabetic Educators. Dietetics. Community Health Nursing. Physiotherapy. Occupational Therapy. Social Work. Speech Pathology. Mental Health Services. Surfcoast Medical Centre. Pathology Services. Optometry. Barwon Medical Imaging. Surfcoast...
General Child Services
Barwon Child, Youth And FamilyTo provide, deliver and develop services, where the need exists, that advance the rights and wellbeing of children, young people and their families
General Child Services
Raising Connected Kids
Teaching school-aged children skills and strategies to build self-confidence and emotional resilience. Online courses and ongoing weekly coaching for children to support emotional development facilitated by Children's Emotional Well-being coaches qualified and experienced in Education and Psychology. Specialising in support for highly sensitive children.
General Child Services
The Kids Coach - National
The Kids CoachThe Kids Coach is an on-demand channel developed by an Occupational Therapist and Personal Trainer to get your child up and moving with fun, regular fitness programming in the comfort of your own home.
General Child Services
The Mirabel Foundation Inc - Edgeworth
The Mirabel Foundation IncMirabel is driven by the simple, core belief that every child deserves a childhood. Mirabel currently supports more than 1800 children in Victoria and NSW who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental illicit drug use and who are now living with extended family in kinship care (both formal and informal).
General Child Services
Tutoring Victoria
A Team TuitionNo matter where you are across Australia, A Team Tuition can help your child reach their academic goals. A Team Tuition offers one-on-one tutoring, in person or online, allowing your child to create a connection with their Academic Personal Trainer. We offer all subjects across all year levels in all state curriculums.