Community Service Clubs in Surf Coast
Community Service Clubs
Lorne & District Men's Shed
The Lorne and District Men's Shed will provide a welcoming venue for men to join, gather, share stories and skills, learn about men's health and soar to new creative heights. Together these goals will revitalise the focus on men's well-being in our region.
Community Service Clubs
Australia Nova Romana
A national Roman living-history and education organisation providing a central community for the study of Latin language, exploration of ancient Roman politics and a safe network for members to explore and learn about the 'cultus deorum romanum', the religion of ancient Rome.
Community Service Clubs
Braille House
Braille HouseFree lending Braille library. Braille House is a Not-for-profit organisation that transforms the lives of vision impaired people with by producing and giving access to reading material and other tactual resources through our extensive library of books, and much, much more.
Community Service Clubs
Connected au
Connected AU was born out of this concern, with a focus on helping people who might be isolated, vulnerable and lonely. Mea built a free online platform to connect and engage people, and The Letterbox Project became the foundation of this platform.
Care Services Australia
AusCare Home & Community Care Limited (AusCare) is a national community services organisation which is an approved aged care provider of home care package services and a registered provider of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). AusCare Home and Community Care Limited (AusCare) can support individuals to live independently at home and actively participate in the community.
Do you want to make a difference in your community? Our volunteer program supports people from all ages, backgrounds and abilities including people with disability, people who are socially isolated and seniors in aged care. we match you to a volunteering role based on your passions, skills and local area. You can be the difference in your community.
Barwon Child, Youth And FamilyTo provide, deliver and develop services, where the need exists, that advance the rights and wellbeing of children, young people and their families
Family Relationship Advice Line
Department of Social ServicesFor those seeking help, information, support and referral to a range of services that can prevent family breakdown or ease the difficulties associated with separation and divorce.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA)
Indigenous Allied Health AustraliaIndigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) is a national, member-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health organisation. IAHA leads sector workforce development and support to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Liberty Of Life
Bringing you a safe and healing space for growth, confidence and empowerment. I offer a tailored approach for clients living with disabilities, mental health challenges, low self esteem or social skills difficulties, to help them experience life how they want. Offering community support in home or community. Please call to discuss your needs.
Lifeful Coordination And Management - VIC
Lifeful Coordination And ManagementProviding NDIS Plan Management, Support Coordination, Daily Living Supports and Behaviour Therapies across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, LifeFul can put you in the driver seat to make your own decisions and forge the path to achieving your goals, with choice and control being the pillars of our organisation.
Oz Qualify
Oz Qualify Delivers over one hundred nationally recognized Qualifications through our partner registered training organisations (RTO’s). We are your trusted provider for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning). we guarantee a customer satisfaction. The industries we cover but not limited to are: All Building and Construction Trade, Business and Finance, Automotive, Community Services.
Transgender Victoria
To achieve justice, equity and quality health and community service provision for transgender people, their partners, families and friends.