Community Service Clubs in Yarriambiack
Mallee Track Health & Community Service - Patchewollock Centre
Mallee Track Health And Community ServiceDistrict Nursing, Dressings, Blood Pressure monitoring, Physiotherapy services - by appointment on Ph: (03) 5092 1111, Meals on Wheels, Community Link - transport, Friendly visiting, Health Education and Promotion, Palliative Care, Doctors clinic - Dr. Rahim - by appointment on Ph: (03) 5083 3201. Planned Activity Groups.
Community Service Clubs
Apex Club Of Warracknabeal
THE IDEALS OF APEX To make the ideal of service The basis of all enterprise. To develop by example a more intelligent and aggressive Citizenship. To provide a means of forming enduring friendship, rendering altruistic service and building Better communities. To promote international Understanding and friendship.
Community Service Clubs
Combined Probus Club of Murtoa
Probus Club, Murtoa CombinedCombined Probus Club of Murtoa
Community Service Clubs
Community Enterprise Group - Warracknabeal
Community Enterprise Group, WarracknabealOther Contact: Contact - Julianne Phelan
Community Service Clubs
Consultative Committee - Rupanyup & District
Rupanyup & District Consultative CommitteeConsultative Committee
Community Service Clubs
Historical Society - Minyip
MINYIP AND DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY INCORPORATEDThe Society (founded 1982) aims to foster historical interest and knowledge of the Minyip district; to collect and preserve items of historical interest; and to compile and keep a historical record of the district. Emphasis will be placed upon documentary material having relevance to Minyip and district such as photographs, maps, diaries, written recollections, journals, minute books, family ...
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Brim
BRIM LIONS CLUBThe World's Largest Service Club Organization Our 46,000 clubs and 1.4+ million members make us the world's largest service club organization.
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Minyip
Lions Club of Minyip Inc.The Lions club of Minyip provides services to the local community.
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Murtoa
THE LIONS CLUB OF MURTOA INCORPORATEDCommunity Service Group. Meetings held at R.S.L Hall, Lake S
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Rupanyup
LIONS CLUB OF RUPANYUP INCLions Australia has grown to be Australia’s largest service club organisation with a strong history in community service and commitment to improving the lives of others.
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Speed
SPEED LIONS CLUBCommunity service group. Meetings held 8pm, 2nd Monday of the month at Speed Recreation Rooms.
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Warracknabeal
LIONS CLUB OF WARRACKNABEAL INCLions Clubs are part of community life, in the cities and in the country. Clubs are easily identified by their distinctive Logo, the trademark of our International Association, and the 'We Serve'; motto.
Community Service Clubs
Lions Club of Woomelang
LIONS CLUB WOOMELANGCommunity service group which meets 7.30 pm, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month at either Woomelang or Lascelles Hotel.
Community Service Clubs
Minyip Men's Matters
Men's Sheds are alcohol, drug and smoke free 'workplace'. Every effort has been and will continues to be made to ensure that the work are is compliant with workplace OH&S standards to minimise risk of injury to participants . There are very few rules. The only obligation is for members to enjoy his time at the shed and contribute to the enjoyment of other members.Other Contact: Contact - Judy ...
Community Service Clubs
Minyip Oval Trustees Recreation Reserve Committee
MINYIP RECREATION RESERVE COMMITTEEManagement of Recreation Reserve - used by Football, Tennis, Netball, Firebrigade, Horse Racing, and Cricket Clubs.
Community Service Clubs
Murtoa & District Neighbourhood House
SHARED LEARNING & ACTIVITIES MURTOA INCORPORATEDProvide access to information; run adult education classes; craft classes; monthly lunch. Internet access & computers available for public use as well as photocopying.
Community Service Clubs
Neighbourhood Watch - Warracknabeal
Neighbourhood Watch, WarracknabealNeighbourhood Watch Program
Community Service Clubs
Progress Association - Minyip
MINYIP PROGRESS ASSOCIATION INCA volunteer group who works closely with our local Shire. We own the Fuel site, Caravan Park, Saddlers Secong Hand Shop and Emma’s Building & surrounding gardens
Community Service Clubs
Progress Association - Murtoa
MURTOA ADVERTISERWe provide services in the region.
Community Service Clubs
Progress Association - Patchewollock