General Legal Assistance & Information

About Us

* Provides personal support, non-legal information and referral to those in contact with the justice system
* Does NOT provide legal advice

* Offers impartial personal support, practical assistance information and assistance to any person from any background (victims, witnesses, accused/defendants, families, friends) attending court. This includes pre-court information; viewing of court facilities; support during and after court hearings
The service is available at Metropolitan and Country Magistrates' Courts, County and Supreme Courts, Family Court, Coroners' Court and Children's Court and VCAT
Country Law Courts include Bendigo, Ballarat, Echuca, Geelong, Gippsland, Warrnambool, Shepparton, Mildura, Wodonga, Wangarratta, Colac and Latrobe Valley
Metropolitan Courts include Broadmeadows, Dandenong, Frankston, Heidelberg, Melbourne, Ringwood, Sunshine, Moorabbin and Collingwood Neighbourhood Justice Centre
Court Network is also running a service in the Federal and Family Magistrates' Court in Brisbane, and in the Brisbane, Townsville and Cairns Supreme, District and Magistrates Courts

Quick Facts About The Region

Court Network Inc is located in the suburb of Melbourne, the council of Melbourne City and the federal electorate of Melbourne.