Special Education Programs in Albany
Special Education Programs
Aces Education Albany
One one one: Specialist tuition on a one-to-one basis with a single, individualised program – $80/hr (term fee). Two on one: Shared, two on one sessions; two students receive specialist tuition from a single tutor, each with separate, individualised programs – $45/student/hr (term fee).
Special Education Programs
Disabled Surfers Association Great Southern
The Disabled Surfers Association is a not-for-profit organization and it’s sole aim is to give people with varying disabilities the opportunity to be able body board or surf.
Middleton Beach
Special Education Programs
The Alannah & Madeline Foundation is the leading national not-for-profit organisation working to protect children from the effects of violence and bullying.
Special Education Programs
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.
Special Education Programs
Tiddas In Business - FREE Business Workshops
MurawinThe Tiddas in Business program is a series of culturally appropriate business activities that introduce entrepreneurship, business, & leadership skills. The activities are led by Indigenous Businesswomen who provide insights, strategies, tools & resources for starting and growing business.
John Calvin School Albany
ALBANY FREE REFORMED CHURCH EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (INC)The students that attend the JCSA are viewed as God’s children, precious in His eyes. A Special Education program is offered for those students that require it.
Child And Adolescent Health ServicePathways is an evidence-based Tier 4 service providing intensive therapeutic day services in addition to educational support to children with complex social, behavioural, mental health and developmental issues. Pathways is suitable for children aged 0-12. Referrals are accepted from Tier 3 services such as CAHS Mental Health, Child Development Services and other specialised services for children