General Religion & Philosophy in Albany
General Religion & Philosophy
ECKANKAR is an ancient Spiritual Path growing fast in many countries. In Albany we hold regular monthly meetings on the first Saturday at 10.30 am to aid spiritual seekers to take the next step which encompasses the study of Dreams and Past Lives, offering year-long discourses of study. Please consult website for details.
Spencer Park
Albany Baptist Church
ALBANY BAPTIST CHURCH is located on the south coast of Western Australia in the city of Albany. We are a community of believers who try to practically live out our faith according to the teachings of God's word. We hope you enjoy visiting our web site and feel welcome to visit our Church.
Albany Presbyterian Church
The Presbyterian Church of Australia is a part of the Christian Church throughout the world. The Church's name comes from the Greek word presbuteros, which is the word for an elder or a mature Christian leader in the New Testament. The use of the name Presbyterian reflects the Church's aim to be faithful to the Bible's teaching on the Church
Albany Uniting Church
Every Sunday at 10:00am. All people welcome. Museum open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 9-11am.
Calvary Chapel Albany
Calvary Chapel Albany IncorporatedWe are a family and families get together. We don't just get together on special occasions but weekly or sometimes multiples times during the week. We are a big believer that you can't do life alone! So Please join us for one of our services this week.
Church of Christ Albany
Churches of Christ in WA (COCWA) is an Association of over 60 local churches. Each of the churches share a common heritage with Churches of Christ across Australia: a link that stretches back into the 19th Century when churches began to be planted by people out of the Restoration Movement from the UK & USA.
Free Reformed Church of Albany
The Free Reformed Church of Albany invites you to worship with us. Our Sunday services are held to worship the LORD God who made and upholds heaven, earth and all creatures. He created us to serve and glorify Him, the only true God.
Free Reformed Church of West Albany
The church is where believers come together to worship God. There is only one holy universal church which has existed from the beginning of the world and will exist to the end of time. It is preserved and supported by the Lord God.
Holy Family Catholic Parish
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP OF BUNBURY ALBANY PARISHCatholic Church - Holy Family Parish - Albany St Josephs Church -154 Aberdeen Street Holy Family Church - Cnr Martin & Hardie Road, Spencer Park
Living Water Anglican Church
Welcome to the Living Water website. Here you’ll find a snapshot of the life of our church. There is plenty going on at Living Water and there’s lots to to read here, but at the heart of everything we do, is Jesus. Together we’re following him and sharing in the life and love he gives.
Collingwood Heights
St Johns Anglican Church
ANGLICAN PARISH OF ALBANYThe people of St John’s welcome you to join them in the worship of God through the traditional liturgy of the Anglican Church. At St. John's you will receive a warm welcome and openness that we hope reflects the love that God shows to each and every person through His Son, Jesus Christ. Our worship consists of Word and Sacrament.
St Pauls Lutheran Church Albany
The Lutheran Church is the largest Protestant church in the world, with over 70 million members. This website tells the story of Australian and New Zealand Lutherans, following Jesus Christ – where love comes to life. Whoever you are, whatever your story, you're welcome here with us.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Albany Branch
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints AustraliaIf you are interested in worshipping with us, we meet for Sacrament Meeting at 9am on Sunday.
The Salvation Army Albany
The Salvation Army AlbanyIt is a pleasure to introduce you to The Salvation Army Albany. We all have an unexplored journey ahead of us. Perhaps exploring faith and spirituality is part of that journey for you. Perhaps it’s about finding community; a place where you can belong; we would like to welcome you to come along the journey with us…
The Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Albany
THE SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BAHA IS OF ALBANYBahá’ís believe the crucial need facing humanity is to find a unifying vision of the future of society and of the nature and purpose of life. Such a vision unfolds in the writings of Bahá’u’lláh.
Barker Baptist
Baptist Church Mt BarkerWe are a vibrant community that meet as often as we can - because we enjoy belonging to a community of believers. Our main Gatherings are every SUNDAY evening 10am-1130am. We also meet in homes during the week, have prayer gatherings, Youth Group, Mens & Women's groups, Mums & Bubs, & provide Pastoral Care support to people in the community. We enjoy meeting new people and helping those in need.
Seventh-day Adventist Church - Biloela
Seventh-day Adventist Church (South Queensland Conference)Adventists believe life is more than just the accumulation of "stuff". It’s about more than just surviving. It means more than simply maximising pleasure and minimising pain. We believe every life is of infinite value. Why? Because every human is miraculously crafted by God who wants us to live life to the full. What's more, He sent His Son to demonstrate true love, forgiveness and grace.