General Community Clubs in Bunbury
General Community Clubs
African Drumming
General Community Clubs
Astronomical Society of the South West Inc.
ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE SOUTH WEST INCASSW spends a lot of time doing Astronomy outreach in the area through visiting or hosting school and community groups across the South West. They host open public nights throughout the year during school holidays as well as a beginners course for those wanting to start learning about Astronomy. Private bookings on request.
College Grove
General Community Clubs
Book Club
City Of BunburySeeking community members who have a love for books and would like to join us for tea/coffee and to: • meet new people and be part of a local social network, • share ideas and thoughts about chosen books, genre & reviews, • discover new Authors and decide on next reads, • connect with other readers in the local community.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury and Districts Stamp Club
A friendly atmosphere is assured, with regular speakers on all philatelic matters, with the ability to swap/buy/sell. We welcome all ages, juniors especially.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Bel Canto Singers Inc.
BUNBURY BEL CANTO SINGERSBunbury BelCanto singers welcomes new singers to their weekly practice which is held every Tuesday at 7pm at St Boniface Cathedral Community Hall, 3 Cross St, Bunbury.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners
The art of bush poetry and yarn spinning is all about entertaining. It's about telling a story and delivering the lines with just the right amount of humour, passion or feeling and sometimes, even with a touch of the theatrical to add to the spectacle - but mostly, it is just about getting up and having a go.
East Bunbury
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Districts Prostate Cancer Support Group
Awareness and support for sufferers; carers and family who have prostate cancer
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Laughter Club
We meet every Saturday morning, during school term, at 10am in the Bunbury Library to bring more laughter to our local community. Our club is open to members of the community who can come along to join in the benefits of Laughter for a gold coin donation which assists us to meet the costs of running the club.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Men's Shed
Bunbury Men's Shed Inc.A place for men to meet socially and participate in woodwork, automotive, metal work, gardening and community projects. Or just a cuppa and chat. Open to men between 18 and 100 years of age.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Probus Club
We bring together retired and semi-retired people for fun, friendship, and fellowship. We meet on the 1st Friday of each month at the Bunbury Girl Guides Hall, 33 Mary St, South Bunbury at 9:45am.
South Bunbury
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Regional Blood Cancer Support Group
Provides people living with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders and their families and friends support through informal support network settings.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Rotary Club
Rotary Club of BunburyOne of the oldest clubs in WA aspiring to the motto 'Service Above Self' meeting on Monday nights at the Lord Forrest Hotel on Symmons St at 6.00 pm. Impact start with our members - people who see a world where individuals unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury RSL
Returned and Services League Bunbury Sub-BranchOne of our prime objectives is to help those in need, providing compensation and welfare assistance for claims, benefits and welfare financial aid, also visiting the older veterans in nursing homes.The RSL has the proud tradition of serving current and former members of the Australian Defence Force and its allies.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Women's Club
BUNBURY WOMENS CLUB INCMeet, socialise and learn to play bridge and Mah Jong with coaching and supervised lessons. Also musical afternoons, fashion parades, quizzes and guest speakers.
General Community Clubs
Bunbury Writer's Group
Bunbury Writers GroupThe group meet on a fortnightly basis at Café Fez to swap ideas, polish their skills and hang out with likeminded company. There are more than two dozen amateur, keen-amateur, semi-professional and professional writers who collaborate in the group.
General Community Clubs
Dance Steps South West
Dance Steps fun friendly community classes, on different days, at various venues across the South West. A Monday Dance class is held for individuals with disabilities, who can attend with/without a carer. Adult classes learn; Latin, Salsa, Ballroom, New Vogue and Linedance. We recommend to call or send an email, happy to discuss any questions, that lead you to learning a variety of Dance Steps.
East Bunbury
General Community Clubs
Flower Designers Club of Bunbury
The club has kept active all those years with members meeting every month to share and learn the skills of Flower Arranging. The Club in conjunction with the Bunbury Regional Art Galleries stages the Blooming Art Exhibition at the Art Galleries every year. This exhibition more than 20 years old continues to attract hundreds of people each day to visit the floral feast of designs.
General Community Clubs
Nordic Walking
SOUTH WEST WOMENS HEALTH & INFORMATION CENTREIncrease your fitness level by walking with Nordic Poles whenever you go for a walk. All you need is walking shoes, hat, sunscreen, loose comfortable clothing and a water bottle. Poles are provided by South West Women’s Health & Information Centre, or Betty is your distributor/supplier for Nordic poles & Accessories if you wish to purchase your own
General Community Clubs
Our Shout
Milligan Community Learning And Resource CentreCommunity Clubs & Interest Groups - General Community Clubs - General Community Clubs. Pub Choir