Literacy & Numeracy Programs in Bunbury
Literacy & Numeracy Programs
Reading Writing Hotline
Australian Children's Education And Care Quality AuthorityThe Hotline is a free anonymous phone referral service for adults wishing to improve their reading writing, maths or computing skills. The Hotline teachers will help callers find appropriate classes or resources to assist them. The Hotline is available to anyone in Australia and is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training.
Young Consulting (Wa) - Bunbury
Young Consulting (Wa)NDIS Capacity Building for Plan Managed Participants: "My Life Plan" Helping find the best path towards employment and self purpose - Literacy & Numeracy / Mental Wellbeing/ Physical Wellbeing / Purpose & Meaning / Action Plan - Goal setting / Training Paths / Employment / Budgeting / Navigating the system / Volunteering / Connection to Community + NDIS Plan Managed Support Coordination
Read Write Now! Adult Literacy Program - Bunbury
Read Write Now! Adult Literacy ProgramThe Read Write Now program provides one-to-one help for adults who want to improve their reading, writing, maths, study or basic computer skills. Students work with trained volunteer tutors in an informal public space for about an hour and a half each week to achieve their personal and professional goals. The program operates in 18 metropolitan and some regional areas of WA.
University Of The Third Age (U3a) Bunbury
We are an adult self-help education programme for people over 50 years wiho are not longer working full time. All our teaching and administration is carried out by volunteers requiring no qualifications to join and sitting no exams or receiving no diplomas. We are learning because we want to continue to live an active, healthy and mentally healthy life meeting 2nd & 4th Fridays Feb to Nov.
Balance Minder
Providing training in wellness skills including exercise, healthy eating and financial literacy. Balance Minder aims to provide the tools and support to all Australians to improve their physical, mental and social wellbeing. Deeply grounded in Tai Chi; We offer online and face to face courses which allows participants the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.
ClearConvo is a registered provider with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. We provide speech therapy services to NDIS participants in the Brisbane region and Queensland or anywhere in Australia via online speech therapy sessions (Telehealth). Call us today on (07) 3703 1812.
EdConnect Australia
At EdConnect Australia, we recruit, train and support a nationwide team of volunteers to provide life-changing mentoring and learning support in schools for young people who are at-risk of not fulfilling their educational potential. Whatever stage of life you’re at, we all have the potential to do good – to make a difference
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.
Mind Over Matter Trauma Consultancy
Mind Over Matter Consultancy provides evidence-based, trauma-informed bespoke services in any of the following: Psychoeducation Childhood development enhancing routines Emotional literacy and social skills Emotional first aid and emotional regulation Behaviour management and de-escalation Suicide intervention and prevention practices Foster and kinship carer assessments and more!
Northern Frontiers Mediation & Counselling Mediation & Counselling
Northern Frontiers Mediation & CounsellingOur counsellors, mediators and psychologists assist with issues such as relationship difficulties, family separation parenting, grief and loss, peer pressure, behaviour management thoughts of suicide/self-harm, conflict at work and many more. Based in Cairns, Queensland, we provide professional services across Australia via phone, or in-person at our Cairns city offices.
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceTouchstone is a structured day service for young people aged 12-17 years and their families. The multi-disciplinary team comprises of a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, service manager, and an experienced therapy team of nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational, art and creative therapists. The service is funded by the WA Government.