Acute and Specialists Care

Mental health service

Mental Health Services


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About Us

Lamp provides a diverse range of outreach mental health services to clients distributed throughout the Vasse-Leeuwin and Warren-Blackwood regions. Lamp staff are employed on a flexi system thus providing clients with a diverse range of expertise and supports.

Staff members come from a wide range of disciplines and varied qualifications including, sociologists, social psychologists, human resource development, mental health nursing, general nursing, social trainers, book keeping and administration, media and promotions, counsellors, computer and IT trainers, Adult and Tertiary Educators and trainers and qualified community service workers.

Lamp provides both personalised support to individuals, as well as support to families and carers. 

Quick Facts About The Region

LAMP Inc is located in the suburb of West Busselton, the council of Busselton and the federal electorate of Forrest.