General Volunteering Services
Busselton Dunsborough Volunteer Centre
Busselton Dunsborough Environmentcentre

Mon 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Tue 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Wed 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Thu 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Fri Closed
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
We may have volunteer positions available for the right person. Contact us to discuss
About Us
The Busselton Dunsborough Volunteer Centre is a “One Stop Shop for Volunteering”
Vision and Aims
Our Vision
"To build a vibrant and sustainable Volunteer Centre that values and promotes Volunteering in the community through a spirit of cooperation"
Our Mission
"To create an environment in which the process of Volunteering is made easy, enjoyable and accessible to all members of the community and to link Volunteer opportunities to individuals and organizations that wish to participate"
Our Aims
We will:
- Assist volunteers of Busselton-Dunsborough in finding rewarding positions which fulfill their needs.
- Demonstrate the integrity and value of volunteering through education, training and the promotion of best practices.
- Support managers of volunteers in their enlistment, support and management of suitable volunteers
Our Objectives
The objectives of the Centre shall be to:-
- Promote volunteerism through the encouragement of voluntary participation in health, community services, recreation, sport, youth, educational, cultural, environmental, civic and other programs.
- Advocate the principles of equity and participation within the volunteer centre.
- Provide support to volunteers and agencies utilising volunteers through the provision of a central coordinating service.
- Offer relevant information and resources to, and about, volunteers.
- Recruit volunteers and refer on to registered members.
- Follow up and evaluation of volunteer placements.
- Consult with all community groups in Busselton-Dunsborough.
- Seek corporate and other sponsorship for the Centre.
- Promote the Centre's Objectives to the Busselton-Dunsborough Community.
- Maintain links with the Volunteer Centre of WA and Volunteer Australia
Some of our FREE services include:
- Facilitate the positive referral of volunteers to member non-profit and community agencies.
- Promote volunteerism and recognise the contribution of volunteers through Thank a Volunteer Day and National Volunteer week activities and on our community web site portal.
- Provide information and assistance to organisations that involve volunteers
- Advertise volunteer opportunities to potential volunteers
- Link businesses and their employees with community groups for special projects
- Feedback into the National Network for volunteering
- Conduct [professional Development Training for volunteer managers and coordinators
- Run network meetings for managers and coordinators of volunteers
- Provide information to potential volunteers to enable decision making and involvement
- Provide a newsletter The Volunteer Voice click link to subscribe
- Run a Facebook site
Extra Information
Wheelchair Access Yes
Online Service Yes
Phone Service Yes
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges From 16 to 90 years of age