Adult Education

About Us

The Read Write Now program provides one-to-one help for adults who want to improve their reading, writing, maths, study or basic computer skills. Students work with trained volunteer tutors in an informal public space for about an hour and a half each week to achieve their personal and professional goals. The program operates in 18 metropolitan and some regional areas of WA.

The Read Write Now program is for adults aged 18 years and over. Adults from overseas need to be permanent residents with reasonable spoken English.

Adult students come from a range of backgrounds and may need help to:

  • read a newspaper or fill in forms
  • keep up with their studies and coursework
  • get a job or require additional skills to keep a job
  • use a computer and email
  • read to a child and support them at school

If you are keen to become an adult learner, or know someone who would, call the Read Write Now program today on 1800 018 802.

Quick Facts About The Region

Read Write Now! Adult Literacy Program is located in the suburb of Leederville, the council of Vincent and the federal electorate of Perth.