Disability Employment & Training Services

Mon 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Tue 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Wed 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Thu 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Fri 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
About Us
Helping you achieve your goals. Specialising in coaching, counselling, hypnotherapy & facilitation for individuals, families, employees & workplaces. Over 12 years' experience in phone and face-to-face counselling and family support including from pregnancy beyond assisting with trauma, anxiety, sleep, planning for school leaving, life beyond school leaving, career changes, disabilities and additional needs, life changes, breastfeeding and parenting.
Kerry completed her thesis in the school leaving experience of young adults with autism and has worked with people with disability and high school students for over nine years. Key recommendations were to plan and commence transition planning early. Kerry has implemented these recommendations when working with young adults' transitions. Kerry's family has implemented these recommendations on their journey.
Counselling, Coaching and Hypnotherapy are available for NDIS participants who are self-managed or plan managed, where these therapies achieve your NDIS goals.
Kerry provides supervision and coaching to private support workers to find solutions, ensure consistency, growth and development for the people they work with. Kerry is able to develop policies, procedures, daily or weekly schedules for support teams.
Empowerment2Be is currently taking telehealth appointments. In person appointments can be made by phoning Old Coast Road Chiropractic Centre.
Kerry also runs the School Leaving with Disability or Neurodiversity (WA) Group which has been created to ask questions, share information, successes and challenges. Those approaching school leaving age or post school leaving are welcome to join alongside their family, friends, supporters, therapists, trainers, educators and employers. Please answer questions when joining.
Kerry is an Act Belong Commit Partner who hosts free walks, community catch ups, information stalls and workshops. Please see Events
Please visit Services to see if our services including coaching are right for you.
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Wheelchair Access Yes
Disabled access This location has disabled access
Online Service Yes
Phone Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Age Ranges All ages
Transport Notes
TransBunbury 841 Bus Route - Short walk from stops near Eastwell Road
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services, Aboriginal Culture, Adolescent Mental Health Services, Adult Community Mental Health, Adult Education, Adult Mental Health Services, Adults, Advocacy, Anxiety, Assistance with Education, Assisted Learning, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Autism Services, Behaviour Therapy, Breastfeeding, Bullying, Carer support, Case Management, Child & Youth Mental Health (CYMHS), Child Abuse, Child Development, Child Protection, Children's Counselling, Coaching, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Community Access, Community Development, Community Education, Community Events, Community Group, Community Information, Compulsive Overeating, Connections, Coordination of supports, Counselling, Cultural Discrimination, Culturally Appropriate Care, Depression, Developmental Delay, Disability, Disability advocacy, Disability case management, Disability Discrimination, Disability Employment Services, Disability information/referral, Disability Services, Disability Skills Development, Disability Support Services, Disability supported accommodation, Discrimination, Distance Education, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Education Information, Employment, Employment placement and/or support, Empowerment, Families, Family, Family Counselling, Family Support, Family Violence, General Counselling, General Mental Health Services, Generalist counselling, Health and Wellbeing, Higher Education, Human Rights, Hypnotherapy, Improved Learning, Improved Life Choices, Improved Living Arrangements, Improved Relationships, Indigenous, Integrated Family Services, Intellectual Disability, Job Training, Life Skills Development, Life Transitions, Maternity, Meditation, Menopause, Mental Health Advocacy, Mental Health Assessment, Mental Health Case Management, Mental Health Information, Mental Health Training, Mental Illness, Mentoring, Mindfulness, NDIS, NDIS Assistance with Social and Community Participation, NDIS Coordination of Supports, NDIS Counselling, NDIS Finding and Keeping a Job, NDIS Improved Daily Living Skills, NDIS Improved Health and Wellbeing, NDIS Improved Learning, NDIS Improved Life Choices, NDIS Improved Living Arrangements, NDIS Improved Relationships, NDIS Increased Social and Community Participation, NDIS Plan Management, NDIS Plan Self-Management, NDIS Provider - Not Registered, NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Nicotine Addiction, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, One on One Support, Online Learning, Outreach, Panic Disorders, Parent, Parenting & Family Education, Parenting & Family Management/Support, Parenting Skills, Peer Support, Personal Helpers and Mentoring, Personal Safety, Phobias, Post Termination Counselling, Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Postnatal Care, Pre Uni, Pregnancy and Post Natal Services, Pregnancy Counselling, Problem Solving, Psycho-social disability, Psycho-Therapy, Psychosocial, Quit program, Recovery, Registered Training Organisation, Relationship Counselling, Relationships Counselling, Rural and Remote Support, Rural Health, School Counselling, Secondary Education, Secondary Schools, Self-Development, Self-Esteem, Self-Harm, Separation, Sexual Assault, Sexual assault counselling, Social and Community Participation, Social Anxiety, Social Group, Social Inclusion, Social Support, Social Work, Specialist coordination of supports, Stress Management, Students, Suicide, Support, Support & Referrals, Support for young people leaving care, Support Groups, Support Programs, Supported Accommodation, Supported Employment, Supported Independent Living, Supportive Therapies, Supports coordination, TAFE, Telehealth, Telephone Counselling, Therapeutic Services, Therapy, Toddlers, Training & Vocational Education, Trauma Counselling, University, University Support, Vocational Counselling, Volunteering, Walking, Welfare, Women, Women's Advocacy, Women's Group, Women's Support Services, Work Experience, Workshops, Young Adults, Youth