Fitness Activities
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The course commences near the barbeque shelter located at King Jarrah picnic area and comprises a 600 m clockwise loop around King Jarrah, followed by an out and back leg along a dual use path constructed to link the Manjimup townsite with the King Jarrah picnic area. Once back at the picnic area there is a second clockwise loop around King Jarrah and then back to the finish located near the starting point. Facilities Toilets, shelter, bar-be-que, picnic tables and seats. Car parking in marked bays for 20+ cars. Runners asked to car pool whenever possible. Extra Parking along Perup Rd past the entry to King Jarrah. Getting There Location of startThe run starts near the barbeque shelter located at King Jarrah picnic area. Getting there by public transportNA Getting there on footThere is a dual use path providing both pedestrian and cycle access to the King Jarrah picnic area starting from South West Highway and Perup Rd. Distance is about 3.0km. Getting there by roadBy car head east for approximately 3 km along Perup Rd from the South West Highway. This intersection is located at the northern end of the Manjimup Townsite. The King Jarrah picnic area is signed up from this intersection with an advanced warning sign 250 metres prior to the car park entrance. Post Run Coffee Every week we grab a post parkrun coffee in the Top Notch Café, located at the Manjimup Timber Park - please come and join us!
Extra Information
Age Ranges All ages
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