Australian Lace Guild W A Branch
Australian Lace Guild W A Branch
About Us
This Guild promotes and teaches all forms of lace making.
Some of the styles of lace making available are bobbin, needle, tatted, knitted, crochet, knotted.
There is tuition available for beginners.
The aims and objectives of the guild are to promote lace making as a craft throughout Australia and to bring together people interested in all forms of lace and lace making.
The Australian Lace Guild was formed in 1979 in NSW to bring the lacemakers of Australia together. The National Administrative Committee is currently in Tasmania
Our members make lace for their own enjoyment and for their own use. Lacemakers find their craft deeply satisfying, sometimes challenging, and very rewarding. Lace making can be very time consuming and on the whole, has not been made on a commercial basis in Australia for many years. The amount of time involved in making lace would render it unaffordable. For example, it can take more than one hour to make a one centimetre square of lace.
By the way, if you are given a piece of handmade lace, you are very lucky.
Extra Information
Phone Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges All ages
Arts and Crafts
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Our aim is to promote lacemaking in Australia and bring together lace makers and lace enthusiasts
Visit Australian Lace Guild W A Branch website