Community Information & Referral Services in Mosman Park
Community Information & Referral Services
Case Management Support
OUTCARE LTDOutcare’s reintegration services help all Australians to fully engage with society in a positive, contributing manner. We specialise in person centred care for people whose circumstances place them at risk of entry to the criminal justice system, or who are currently serving a sentence.
Community Information & Referral Services
Connecting Community for Kids
Connecting Community for Kids is working with community, service providers and government agencies to improve outcomes for kids in Cockburn and Kwinana. We aim to reduce social and cultural isolation, provide peer support for Mums & Dads and improve child health through early intervention by implementing various community approaches. Together we can help our children thrive!
Community Information & Referral Services
Department of Communities - Women's Information Service
DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITIESA confidential telephone information referral service for women on any issue, referring to non-profit community organisations and government agencies.
Community Information & Referral Services
Entrypoint Perth
CENTRECAREEntrypoint Perth is a free assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Perth metropolitan area to access accommodation and support options. If unable to get through to an Assessment and Referral Officer right away by phone, make sure to leave a clear phone message and provide contact information or complete the Online Registration Form.
Community Information & Referral Services
Epilepsy Action Australia
Epilepsy Action Australia provides support, information and innovative services to those living with and affected by epilepsy across Australia. We offer world-class education and support services nationally, with a determined commitment to deliver equitable and consistent services to all Australians regardless of where they live.
Community Information & Referral Services
KNOTbound Ltd
KNOTbound Ltd provides information on the BDSM community, both locally and nationally, provides educational opportunties, maintains a national archive and works to promote knowledge and understanding of BDSM practices, lifestyles and orientations.
Community Information & Referral Services
Livinghope NDIS Disability Services
Welcome to LivingHope NDIS Disability Services in Armadale! We are your trusted partner in providing exceptional disability support to individuals and families in our community. Our mission is to empower those with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives, fostering a sense of inclusion, independence, and hope.
Community Information & Referral Services
NDIS Access Referral and Advocacy support
Pasco CarePasco Care providing support to People with a Disability to Access the NDIS. We can support you or your loved one towards the referral pathway to NDIS. Our Team at Pasco Care are here to help. We can support the referral pathway for your NDIS application. If you think you would meet the eligibility criteria or are unsure contact Us today to enquire about meeting NDIS Access.
Community Information & Referral Services
OUTCARE LTD - Bayswater
OUTCARE LTDThis program supports people with disability and mental health issues who are at risk in the community, in prison or after release from prison. Case workers offer community in home support, accommodation, daily living skills, access to education and skill development.
Community Information & Referral Services
The Aussie Hands Foundation Inc
To raise awareness of hand differences in the community and support families who have a child living with a hand difference and connecting them to other families in a similar situation and also to adults living with a hand difference.
Community Information & Referral Services
Transfolk of WA
A support network for trans people and their families in WA. Provides a range of peer led support and services for gender diverse individuals and their families. Safe and inclusive spaces, social events and personal development opportunities for gender diverse people. Communicates and collaborates with political, government, community to increase visibility and awareness of gender diversity.
Community Information & Referral Services
Department Of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation And SafetyWageline is a free confidential employment information service.
Community Information & Referral Services
XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.
Mission Creating awareness for XYY Syndrome by obtaining and providing the latest research for XYY families and the community. Networking with government services, medical specialists, general practitioners and educators to create a better understanding for XYY Syndrome. Our focus is helping the community have a positive understanding of XYY Syndrome and give support to those who need it.