Primary & Community Care
Primary healthcare service
Perth North PHN
WA Primary Health Networks

About Us
WA Primary Health Alliance is the operator of three Primary Health Networks, part of the national Australian Government PHN initiative. Perth North PHN covers the Perth north metropolitan area, from Perth City out to Mundaring and up to Two Rocks.
We plan, guide and direct investment towards important primary healthcare services.
Our state-wide structure and strong partnerships give us an opportunity to shape a health system fit for the future. Our focus is on helping those at risk of poor health outcomes to access excellent care closer to home. We listen to local communities to understand who they are, their unique health needs and how their world is changing. We then identify priorities, link services and fund care that is locally accessible.
Extra Information
Phone Service Yes
Accessible By Anyone
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges All ages
- General Health Services
- Primary healthcare service
- Primary & Community Care
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To lead an effective and responsive patient centered primary healthcare system.
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