Community Halls in Northam
Grass Valley Progress Assoication
Grass Valley Progress AssociationWork to provide and upgrade community facilities for the Community
Grass Valley
Northam Netball Association
Netball winter competition additionally development opportunities with Wheatbelt region.
APM jobactive Services
APMOur employment services help people in Northam to find and keep a job through the Australian Government's jobactive program.
Bakers Hills Adult Riding Club
akers Hill ARC was started in 2001. A meeting of local Horse people gathered together and decided that the area was expanding so much that an Adult Riding Club was needed in the area. The Werribee Pony Club had already been formed some years previously and grounds had been cleared at the old Bakers Hill Tip site for equestrian use.
Bakers Hill
Bridgeley Community Centre
Located in Northam within metres of the CBD and arterial roads, the Bridgeley Community Centre is just 100km east of Perth, with easy access for locals and visitors. We offer high class, modern facilities that anyone can be proud to use.
Church of Christ
Church of Christ - Bridgeley Community CentreOur vision is to be a growing, dynamic and caring community committed to becoming more like Jesus and to reveal him to others. We will build meaningful relationships with people in and around Northam, seeking to reflect the love and power of God and the relevance of God to everyday life. We meet every Sunday at 9:30am for worship and fellowship,
InBalance Physio and Fitness
Provide services to NDIS participants for OT, Speech, Physio, Exercise Physio, Personal Training, Group therapy, individual therapy, Assistive Technology Assessments.
Lions Club Of Northam
The Lions club are a volunteer organization serving the Northam and surrounding communities. Our motto is to serve those who are in need and less fortunatel that ourselves. We meet on the 1st and 3rd of each month and hold projects to raise funds to donate to the needy. We hold community markets on the 1st Sat of each month - and these funds are donated locally or to cancer/eye/ears/relief fund
Northam Police and Citizens Youth Club Inc
Western Australian Police And Community Youth CentresThe objectives of police citizens youth clubs are to promote programs and activities directed to the personal, physical and cultural development of children and adolescents. Citizens and police become aware of their responsibilities towards children and adolescents, and the clubs provide a positive interface between the police force and the community.
Relationships Australia - Northam
Relationships Australia Western AustraliaFor more than 70 years Relationship Australia WA's professionally-trained and highly-skilled staff have been helping West Australians to change and transform their lives through the provision of confidential support services and evidence-based practices. We are committed to social justice and inclusion, and respect the rights of all people.
smoking cessation service
WHEATBELT ABORIGINAL CORPORATIONThe Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health Service has developed a multi-faceted and culturally-appropriate smoking cessation and tobacco control project for the Wheatbelt Aboriginal community.
Accessability WA
Our purpose is to support ability and create access and participation opportunities for people with a disability so they can achieve their life goals. We do this by implementing personal plans for people with a disability, providing in-house support for clients, their families and carers and skills training to promote independent living.
Addiction In-Home Recovery (AIR Detox)
Our in-home detox program enables our patients to safely withdraw from alcohol or cannabis within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Our doctor makes daily home visits to closely monitor your withdrawal and provides 24hr support so we are with you every step of the way. We also create a personalised aftercare plan for you and provide 12 months of ongoing support.
Ahead Supports
Ahead ServiceAustralia wide, 7 days a week, we have a 100% success rate at increasing funding, let us be your NDIS experts. Providing: - Support coordination - Specialist support coordination - Psychosocial recovery coaching - Counselling - Assessment using NDIS preferred evidence - Parent and provider training
Alcohol And Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition
The Alcohol and Other Drug Consumer & Community Coalition (AODCCC) is the peak body for alcohol and other drug consumer and community informed systemic advocacy in Western Australia. Our aim is to empower the voices of consumers, their families and supports, ensuring the health and wellbeing of our community.
Anger Management & Conflict Resolution Program
TRANSFORMATION MINISTRIESHave you experienced problems with anger & rage that has caused harm to yourself and those you love? Anger is a normal human emotion when we feel we are being threatened, or those we love. If you prefer to do the 24/7 ONLINE course, click on the green button on website. If we don’t deal with what causes us to get angry, then it turns into rage. Anger Management & Conflict Resolution Program
APM Disability Employment Services
APMWe believe everyone is capable of work. If you're living with an injury, illness or disability and want to find a job, we’re here to help. Our experienced employment consultants understand the barriers you face, but we focus on how we can help you successfully achieve your goals. We want to get to know you, understand where you're at and work with you to find solutions.
Approach Services
Approach Services is a Western Australian business on a mission to shape the way we lead and implement change around the world. We are here to empower communities, organisations and leaders to recover fast from challenges and grow through transformation. Facing change? Talk to us about how we can help you thrive.
Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS)
ASeTTSASeTTS have for over 30-years provided mental health, community capacity building services and cultural transition supports to people from refugees and asylum seeker backgrounds who have experienced torture or trauma in their home country, during their journey to Australia or while in detention.
At Home Care - Head Office
At Home CareAt Home Care is a registered NDIS service provider specialising in the delivery of in-home care and nursing services to adults and children with spinal cord injuries, acquired brain injuries and other complex care needs. We provide 24/7 support, ranging from complex high care to social support, daily living assistance and community access.