Acute and Specialists Care
Mental health service
Lower West Older Adult Mental Health (Selby Lodge and Lower West) Community Service
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental Health

About Us
The North Metropolitan Health Service provides specialist mental health services to people older than 65 years living in the North Metropolitan region of Perth. These include the inpatient service and outpatient community service operating out of Selby Lodge (Lower West Older Adult Mental Health Service).
The Older Adult Program operates various services that provide inpatient, therapy services and community services.These include inpatient consultant psychiatry, medical, nursing, occupational therapy, rehabilitation, clinical psychology, social work, physiotherapy, speech pathology, podiatry and dietetic services.
The Older Adult Program services care for older adults suffering from:
- Psychiatric disorder complicated by physical conditions of aging such as physical frailty, degenerative illness or dementia
- Dementia complicated by severe behavioural disturbance
- Newly arising psychiatric conditions in persons 65 years and older.
Referrals: Services may, when clinically appropriate, see persons younger than 65 years suffering from conditions usually associated with old age. The provision of service is geared towards semi-urgent and elective referrals, from secondary and tertiary sources including: General practitioners General hospitals and geriatric medicine units General psychiatry services.
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Referral Required The State/Territory Government
Access Fee No fee
Age Ranges Over 65 years of age
- Mental Health Services
- Mental health service
- Acute and Specialists Care
Anorexia, Anxiety, Depression, Mental Illness