Youth Information & Counselling in Perth
Youth Information & Counselling
Alcohol.Think Again
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol.Think Again education campaign is part of a comprehensive approach in Western Australia that aims to reduce the level of alcohol-related harm and ill-health in Western Australia. The campaign uses a mass reach social marketing strategy targeting the Western Australian community.
Youth Information & Counselling
Beyond Blue - Perth
Beyond BluePromotion of help seeking behaviour for young people who are depressed.
Youth Information & Counselling
Case Management Support
OUTCARE LTDOutcare’s reintegration services help all Australians to fully engage with society in a positive, contributing manner. We specialise in person centred care for people whose circumstances place them at risk of entry to the criminal justice system, or who are currently serving a sentence.
East Perth
Youth Information & Counselling
Cope Centre
COPE Centre is a multi-disciplinary practice that offers the highest level of psychological and mental health care, extending beyond the alleviation of symptoms. Our mission is to reduce emotional suffering and enhance the well-being of individuals, families, and society.
Youth Information & Counselling
Drug Aware
Mental Health CommissionDrug Aware is a key initiative in the state framework of educational strategies forming part of a comprehensive approach to address illicit drug use in Western Australia. The program aims to prevent, delay and reduce drug use and related harm, by providing credible and evidence-based information to Western Australians, to help them make informed decisions about their drug use and related behaviour
Youth Information & Counselling
Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) - Youth Advocate
Mental Health Advocacy ServiceThe Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) provides a specialised independent advocacy for young people accessing mental health services (in certain circumstances) to assist them enforce their rights and resolve issues.
West Perth
Youth Information & Counselling
Strong Spirit Strong Mind (Metro Project)
Mental Health CommissionThe Strong Spirit Strong Mind Metro Project aims to raise awareness of the harms associated with alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues among Aboriginal people, families and communities in the Perth Metropolitan area. The project focuses on young people aged 12 to 25 years.
Youth Information & Counselling
YES! Housing
Anglicare WAYoung people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness can be assessed for eligibility for a Department of Housing tenancy, and then supported to develop their independent living and tenancy skills to be able to maintain long term stable housing.
West Perth
Youth Information & Counselling
YouthLink - North Metropolitan area
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthYouthLink is a specialist mental health service providing counselling, therapy and case management to young people aged 13-24 years in the North Metropolitan area with serious mental health problems and barriers to accessing mainstream services. Barriers typically include homelessness and transience, limited support networks, cultural barriers including Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders.
Youth Information & Counselling
Mentor Counselling & Support For Young Men
A Casual Approach to Counselling & Support Mentoring For Young Men 13-30 Years Perth based Registered NDIS Provider & ACA Member #makingmensmentalhealthcool
Youth Information & Counselling
Youth In Motion
The Learning Project provides free 1-1 tutoring to students who might be having a hard time. Our students experience disadvantage in many ways – from learning and attention difficulties to mental health issues. We make sure no student is left behind.
Youth Information & Counselling
Youth Insearch
Australia's leading peer-led youth trauma recovery organisation, dedicated to supporting at-risk youth aged 12-25. We run Weekend Workshops, Weekly Support Groups and Individual Support for young people to connect and develop life skills. Our programs are delivered with youth, supported by expert adults.
Youth Information & Counselling
Youth Justice Services
Hope Community ServicesHope Community Services deliver a range of support for young people aged between 10 and 17 years of age who have become involved with the justice system, in the Kimberley, Perth Metropolitan, Midwest, Pilbara and Goldfields regions. Programs include Bail Services, Youth Transitional Accommodation Program, and Community Programs.