Drug & Alcohol Services in Stirling
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and Drug Foundation
Our Purpose: To prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs in Australia.
Osborne Park
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Outreach Service for Aboriginal People - Mirrabooka
Wungening Aboriginal CorporationAssertive outreach services to vulnerable and disadvantaged Aboriginal people experiencing Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) and/or Mental Health (MH) issues, providing an integrated, evidence-based response to problematic substance use and mental health problems.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Community Services Support
Mission AustraliaMission Australia's integrated nationwide services help people find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled young people, assist people with mental illness and disability, and much more. Early intervention and prevention is at the heart of our work.
Drug & Alcohol Services
mental health and accommodation services
Mission AustraliaMission Australia's integrated nationwide services help people find safe and affordable housing, support disadvantaged children and families, empower troubled young people, assist people with mental illness and disability, and much more. Early intervention and prevention is at the heart of our work.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Mission Australia - Balcatta
Mission AustraliaMission Australia is a non-denominational Christian charity that has been helping vulnerable Australians move towards independence for more than 155 years. Every day we support people nationwide by combatting homelessness, assisting disadvantaged families and children, addressing mental health issues, fighting substance dependencies, and much more.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a 24/7 non-judgemental and confidential telephone counselling, information, referral and support line for alcohol and drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Meth Helpline
Mental Health CommissionThe Meth Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Parent and Family Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Parent and Family Drug Support Line provides confidential counselling, information and referral by professional counsellors as well as support by Parent Peer Volunteers to parents and families in Western Australia who are concerned about a family members' alcohol or other drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Addiction In-Home Recovery (AIR Detox)
Our in-home detox program enables our patients to safely withdraw from alcohol or cannabis within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Our doctor makes daily home visits to closely monitor your withdrawal and provides 24hr support so we are with you every step of the way. We also create a personalised aftercare plan for you and provide 12 months of ongoing support.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and Drug Support Service
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol and Drug Support Service at the Mental Health Commission provides support to the public through various programs , such as the BeSmart programs, various parent support groups and support to the Drug Court.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and drug treatment services
Wungening Aboriginal CorporationWungening provides support and programs to youth, families, men and women (and their families) who are experiencing alcohol or other drug problems.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and other drug counselling
Palmerston AssociationIf you are worried about your own alcohol or other drug use or someone else’s, then you may find it helpful to meet with a counsellor. Counselling is a safe way in which you can talk about what is going on for you with a professional in a confidential and non-judgemental way. Counselling is available for both adults and young people.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Outreach Service for Aboriginal People - Midland
Wungening Aboriginal CorporationAssertive outreach services to vulnerable and disadvantaged Aboriginal people experiencing Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) and/or Mental Health (MH) issues, providing an integrated, evidence-based response to problematic substance use and mental health problems.
Drug & Alcohol Services
AOD Community Treatment
Department Of CommunitiesAlcohol and other drugs - Community Treatment, Community Support
Drug & Alcohol Services
Case Management Support
OUTCARE LTDOutcare’s reintegration services help all Australians to fully engage with society in a positive, contributing manner. We specialise in person centred care for people whose circumstances place them at risk of entry to the criminal justice system, or who are currently serving a sentence.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Network (DAWN)
St John Of God HealthcareDrug and Alcohol Withdrawal Network (DAWN) assists people to reduce or stop their substance use by providing care and support at home.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS)
Mission AustraliaThe Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) provides young people and their families’ access to a comprehensive range of free and confidential alcohol and other drug services.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Family Drug Support
FDS provides up to date information on all aspects of alcohol and drug use relative to the families and friends of people who use substances. FDS also operates a National 24 hr, 7 day a week telephone support service for families and friends affected by alcohol and other drug issues.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Inner City Alcohol and Drug In-reach, Outreach and Thru-care Service
Cyrenian House - Alcohol & other Drug Treatment ServiceThis service provides Alcohol and Other Drug outreach and support to people experiencing alcohol and other drug and mental health issues within the Inner City area.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Lived Experience education and support
Australian Anti Ice CampaignPrevention Education Advocacy Intervention Peer support Relapse prevention Group therapy