Psychiatric Services in Wanneroo
Psychiatric Services
Call to Mind
Call to Mind is a telepsychiatry service that allows people across Australia to access quality mental health care. We have a team of psychiatrists and psychologists ranging in availability and speciality to best meet your needs. Consults are held on a video-conferencing platform so you can attend your appointment from anywhere.
Psychiatric Services
Christina Petz Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Psychology service, provision of specialised mental health treatment, face to face or via onsite telehealth. Open every day 9am-4pm.
Adult Community Mental Health Service - Butler
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe Butler Adult Community Mental Health Service provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services to adults aged 18 to 65 years who have a mental illness.
Adult Community Mental Health Service - Wanneroo
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe Wanneroo Adult Community Mental Health Service provides assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services to adults aged 18 to 65 years who have a mental illness.
Community Mental Health Service - Gingin
WA Country Health ServiceThis service provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for people with mental health problems residing in the Wheatbelt.
Eating Disorders Outreach and Consultation Service
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe WA Eating Disorders Outreach and Consultation Service is a Statewide Service that aims to ensure youth and adults in WA with an eating disorder can access optimal best practice care. We provide consultation liaison, mentoring and support to help clinicians to manage their patients, as well as resources and clinical education.
Eating Disorders Program
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceThe Eating Disorders Program provides outpatient, day treatment and inpatient management of children and adolescents with eating disorders. It is provided by the WA Government.
Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) - Youth Advocate
Mental Health Advocacy ServiceThe Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) provides a specialised independent advocacy for young people accessing mental health services (in certain circumstances) to assist them enforce their rights and resolve issues.
Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS)
Mental Health Advocacy ServiceThe Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) provides independent advocacy to assist consumers of mental health services protect their rights. The MHAS includes a dedicated youth advocate for children and advocates in Albany, Broome, Bunbury and Kalgoorlie.
Paediatric Consultation Liaison
Child And Adolescent Health ServicePaediatric Consultation Liaison is a multidisciplinary team that engages with children and adolescents who are current, ongoing or regular Perth Children's Hospital patients, and have mental health issues related to their medical conditions or central to their treatment plan. This service is provided by the WA Government.
Child And Adolescent Health ServicePathways is an evidence-based Tier 4 service providing intensive therapeutic day services in addition to educational support to children with complex social, behavioural, mental health and developmental issues. Pathways is suitable for children aged 0-12. Referrals are accepted from Tier 3 services such as CAHS Mental Health, Child Development Services and other specialised services for children
Psychcare Services Telehealth and Psychcare Psychology
Psychcare Services TelehealthPsychCare Services is an independent healthcare provider, specialising in the delivery of community based psychiatric assessment and treatment services for clients of all ages. We specialise in providing telepsychiatry services across Australia and have a practice in Ipswich, Qld that offers face to face psychiatry and psychology services.
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceTouchstone is a structured day service for young people aged 12-17 years and their families. The multi-disciplinary team comprises of a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, service manager, and an experienced therapy team of nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational, art and creative therapists. The service is funded by the WA Government.