Mental Health Services in Wiluna
Mental Health Services
Community Mental Health Service - Carnarvon Health Campus
WA Country Health ServiceProvide confidential assessment, treatment and management of people with mental health problems.
Mental Health Services
Community Mental Health Service - Geraldton
WA Country Health ServiceThe Midwest Mental Health and CADS provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for people with mental health problems.
Mental Health Services
Community Mental Health Service - Kalgoorlie / Boulder
WA Country Health ServiceThis service provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for people with mental health problems.
Mental Health Services
Consumers of Mental Health WA
Consumers of Mental Health WACoMHWA provides: systemic advocacy to improve mental health services and support consumer wellbeing; promotes education and training; provides and facilitates consumer representation; consults with consumers and stakeholders in mental health; provides public education; and provides policy advice on mental health services in WA. Main activities relate to Mental health and crisis intervention.
Mental Health Services
Eating Disorders Outreach and Consultation Service
North Metropolitan Health Service Mental HealthThe WA Eating Disorders Outreach and Consultation Service is a Statewide Service that aims to ensure youth and adults in WA with an eating disorder can access optimal best practice care. We provide consultation liaison, mentoring and support to help clinicians to manage their patients, as well as resources and clinical education.
Mental Health Services
Here For You
Mental Health CommissionHere For You is a statewide confidential, non-judgemental, telephone service for anyone concerned about their own or another person’s alcohol and other drug use and/or mental health issues.
Mental Health Services
Meekatharra Community Mental Health Service
WA Country Health ServiceThis outreach service provides comprehensive assessment and treatment for people with mental health problems, covering the portion of WA which spans a coastal area from Onslow in the north to Leeman/Green Head in the south.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) - Youth Advocate
Mental Health Advocacy ServiceThe Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) provides a specialised independent advocacy for young people accessing mental health services (in certain circumstances) to assist them enforce their rights and resolve issues.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS)
Mental Health Advocacy ServiceThe Mental Health Advocacy Service (MHAS) provides independent advocacy to assist consumers of mental health services protect their rights. The MHAS includes a dedicated youth advocate for children and advocates in Albany, Broome, Bunbury and Kalgoorlie.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Emergency Response Line (1300 555 788) and RuralLink (1800 552 002)
East Metropolitan Health ServiceAnyone experiencing or dealing with others experiencing mental health distress or crisis across Metropolitan WA can call the Mental Health Emergency Response Line, 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Regional and remote callers can reach RuralLink after 4:30pm Monday to Friday or 24/7 over the weekend.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health First Aide Interntional
Mental Health First Aid InternationalMental Health First Aid (MHFA) Australia is a national not-for-profit health promotion charity focused on mental health training and research. MHFA Australia operates under the governance of a Board of Directors and derives funding from government and philanthropic grants, public donations and through its training programs.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Inpatient Unit - Kalgoorlie
WA Country Health ServiceThis specialist-designed and built unit has 7 inpatient beds including a secure observation room. The unit is managed by mental health trained nurses and medical staff and has both resident and visiting psychiatrists.
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Journey Australia
We support you on your road to recovery with the guidance of our Support Coordination and Recovery Coach Team. Our staff are highly experienced in working with Psychosocial disability and our aim is to help you achieve your goals by understanding your specific wants, needs, and challenges.
Mental Health Services
Pilbara Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Service - Tom Price
WA Country Health ServiceThe Pilbara Mental Health Service provides specialist mental health services to the Pilbara region. The service aims to deliver a comprehensive range of recovery focused, quality, community treatment services to residents and visitors to the region.
Mental Health Services
Pilbara Mental Health and Drug Service - Hedland
WA Country Health ServiceThe Pilbara Mental Health and Drug Service provides assessment, counselling, referral and support to people who are experiencing problems as a result of alcohol or drug use or mental health. Ongoing treatment is voluntary and there is no legislative mandate for people unwilling to engage to be coerced to do so.
Mental Health Services
Pilbara Mental Health and Drug Service - Newman
WA Country Health ServiceThe Pilbara Mental Health Service provides specialist mental health services to the Pilbara region. The service aims to deliver a comprehensive range of recovery focused, quality, community treatment services to residents and visitors to the region.
Mental Health Services
Child And Adolescent Health ServiceTouchstone is a structured day service for young people aged 12-17 years and their families. The multi-disciplinary team comprises of a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, service manager, and an experienced therapy team of nurses, psychologists, social workers, occupational, art and creative therapists. The service is funded by the WA Government.
Mental Health Services
Mindspot GP
Mindspot ClinicFree, evidence-based assessment and treatment available online and by telephone to residents of WA aged 16+ to help manage mild-moderate anxiety, depression and substance concerns. Once successfully referred by GP/other service, patients can access online features 24/7, with registered mental health professionals support available 9am – 5pm weekdays.
Mental Health Services
The Substance Misuse Programme
Ngangganawili Aboriginal Community Controlled Health & MedicalDelivers a non-residential trauma-informed service that is culturally responsive and safe, with prioritised placements for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their families and communities. We provide a flexible model of care that allows for outreach, drop-in support and care on Country (out bush) for individuals, families and community groups.