About This Community
Cairns Council has an approximate area of 6,500 km².
It is comprised of 60 suburbs including Aeroglen, Aloomba, Babinda, Barron, Barron Gorge, Bartle Frere, Bayview Heights, Bellenden Ker, Bentley Park, Bramston Beach, Brinsmead, Bungalow, Cairns City, Cairns North, Caravonica, Clifton Beach, Deeral, Earlville, East Trinity, Edge Hill, Edmonton, Ellis Beach, Fishery Falls, Fitzroy Island and Freshwater plus parts of another 2 suburbs.
It is comprised of the localities of East Russell and Lamb Range plus parts of Wooroonooran .
It is surrounded by the councils of Cassowary Coast, Douglas, Mareeba, Tablelands and Yarrabah.
It is comprised of the state electorates of Cairns and Mulgrave plus parts of Barron River and Hill.
It is comprised of parts of the Kennedy federal electorate.