Community Centres, Halls & Facilities in Blue Mountains
What Is This?
At community centres, halls and facilities you can find a diverse range of activities, services, and rooms for hire. Each facility will have different spaces and programs and events.
How Is It Funded?
Funding is through fee for service, donation, or no cost.
How To Access?
You can access these facilities by contacting the organisation directly. Cost may be a scheduled fee for service, donation, or no cost.
General Disability Services
Community & Neighbourhood Centres
Disability Respite and Activity Centres
Orchard Hills Hub - Sunnyfield Community Services
Sunnyfield Disability ServicesThe Orchard Hills hub means picturesque vistas with rolling hills and gorgeous sunshine, the perfect backdrop for new friends and new experiences. Have some fun learning a recipe or two with cooking groups at the onsite community café, party it up with music and dancing or local trips in the community, or simply get to know the local animals including the hub’s star, Winston the bulldog.