Legal Assistance & Information Services in Willoughby
What Is This?
Legal Assistance and Information Services offer support and guidance to individuals and communities regarding legal matters. These services provide legal advice, representation, and information on a wide range of issues, including family law, criminal law, civil disputes, and human rights.
How Is It Funded?
These services are typically fee based. However, some are funded by government grants and non-profit organisations. How much does it cost? Most often this service is fee for service based, however some community organisations provide legal support to disadvantaged individuals at reduced or no cost.
How To Access?
Individuals can access Legal Assistance and Information Services directly by contacting legal firms. Assistance may also be obtained through local legal aid offices, community legal centres, online legal advice platforms, and hotlines. Referrals from other organisations, such as social services are also common
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) helps individuals to resolve complaints about financial products and services. It’s free to the public and you don’t need to pay someone to help you lodge a complaint.
Ageing Information & Counselling
General Legal Assistance & Information
Copeland Estates Legal
We are an online & mobile law firm for your family's estate planning (Wills, Powers of Attorney, Enduring Guardianships, etc) and deceased estate (Probate, Letters of Administration, etc) needs. We can travel to your home or office or meet you over zoom/phone/email. We celebrate happy clients and want to achieve your family's goals.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Energy & Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON)
Free, fair and independent dispute resolution scheme for consumers and small business in NSW experiencing difficulties with their energy and water providers. Contact us to help on billing issues, meter problems or connection issues. We also offer in person and online information sessions for community workers and client groups.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Dispute Resolution
Family Mediation DirectWe provide family dispute resolution (mediation) services to separated people who need to reach agreement on children & property matters. We start the process within 2 business days and guarantee our availability for mediation within 5 business days after individual intake sessions are completed.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Mediation Direct
We assist parent going through separation to reach agreements about their children and property.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Law Access NSW
Law AccessYou can call 1300 888 529 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Mediation DirectWe provide mediation services to separated people who need to reach agreement on children & property matters. We start the process within 2 business days and guarantee our availability for mediation within 5 business days after individual intake sessions are completed.
General Legal Assistance & Information
NSW Trustee And Guardian - Lismore
NSW Trustee And GuardianNSW Trustee and Guardian is a government agency in the Stronger Communities Cluster. They support people with preparing Wills, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship documents. Pricing is regulated and they service communities right across NSW. They also provide financial management, guardianship and trustee services that support vulnerable members of the community.
General Legal Assistance & Information
NSW Trustee And Guardian - Sydney
NSW Trustee And GuardianNSW Trustee and Guardian protects, promotes and supports the rights, dignity, choices and wishes of the people of NSW. We support the Chief Executive Officer and the Public Guardian to provide services that meet your needs. Our services include Will-making, trustee, financial management and guardianship services.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Welfare Rights Centre NSW
Got an issue with your payments from Centrelink? Community Legal Centre offering free legal advice and representation to people in NSW that have received an adverse decision from Centrelink. Off payment, rejected applications, debts, reduced payments and other decisions. Advice line open 3 days a week Monday and Wednesday 9:30 - 12:30 and Thursday 1:30 - 4:30.
Disability Information & Counselling
General Legal Assistance & Information
Your Story Disability Legal Support
Your Story Disability Legal Support empowers people with disability to safely share their story with the Disability Royal Commission and connect with local support services. We work in partnership with communities to deliver a person centred, trauma-informed and culturally safe legal service.
General Child Services
General Legal Assistance & Information
General Youth Services
Youth Law Australia
We offer free and confidential legal information, advice, assistance and referrals to children and young people under 25.