General Health Services
Primary healthcare service
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
About Us
Do you need to travel for health care? Ask about Telehealth.
Telehealth allows you to access specialist doctors and nurses, allied health professionals and other healthcare providers, without having to travel further than your local hospital. Let a staff member know if you are interested in using Telehealth. They will check with your healthcare provider to see if your situation is suitable for Telehealth services. There are nurses who can sit in on your Telehealth appointments with you and help with any follow up arrangements.
What you can expect as a Telehealth patient
- You will be asked questions by a health professional on screen via video link.
- You will be introduced to everyone in the Telehealth appointment and have the right to decide whether you want them involved.
- You will get the same standard of care that you would in an in-person appointment.
- You can have a carer, friend, family member or guardian with you at the appointment.
- You can have an interpreter, health worker or multicultural worker present.
- You will receive health care that respects your privacy and confidentiality.
- You can receive care in person if you do not wish to have a Telehealth appointment. Telehealth is an optional service. You can choose to end a telehealth appointment at any time and ask for an appointment in person.
Upcoming Events at Telehealth
Quick Facts About The Region
Extra Information
Age Ranges All ages
- General Health Services
- Primary healthcare service
- Primary & Community Care