About This Community
The federal electorate of Flynn has an approximate area of 133,000 km².
It is comprised of 180 suburbs including Abbeywood, Abbotsford, Abercorn, Aldoga, Ambrose, Avondale, Baffle Creek, Ban Ban Springs, Baree, Barlyne, Beecher, Benaraby, Berajondo, Biloela, Binjour, Bon Accord, Boolboonda, Boulder Creek, Boynewood, Bukali, Bullyard, Bungadoo, Burua, Byellee and Byrnestown plus parts of another 13 suburbs.
It is comprised of 205 localities including Alberta, Albinia, Alsace, Alton Downs, Aranbanga, Arcadia Valley, Arcturus, Argyll, Bajool, Balcomba, Ballogie, Ban Ban, Banana, Bancroft, Baralaba, Barnard, Baroondah, Bauhinia, Beeron, Belcong, Biggenden, Bingegang, Blackdown, Blackwater and Blairmore plus parts of another 12 localities.
It is comprised of the councils of Banana Shire, Central Highlands, North Burnett, Rockhampton and Woorabinda plus parts of Bundaberg, Gladstone and South Burnett.
It is comprised of parts of the state electorates of Burnett, Callide, Gladstone, Gregory, Mirani, Nanango and Rockhampton.
It is surrounded by the federal electorates of Capricornia, Hinkler, Maranoa and Wide Bay.