Burnett Community
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The state electorate of Burnett has an approximate area of 29,000 km².
It is comprised of 60 suburbs including Abbotsford, Abington, Agnes Water, Alloway, Apple Tree Creek, Avondale, Baffle Creek, Bargara, Berajondo, Burnett Heads, Buxton, Calavos, Childers, Coonarr, Coral Cove, Cordalba, Doolbi, Electra, Elliott Heads, Euleilah, Eureka, Fairymead, Farnsfield, Givelda and Gooburrum plus parts of another 4 suburbs.
It is comprised of the localities of Booyal, Bororen, Bucca, Captain Creek, Colosseum, Deepwater, Duingal, Elliott, Eurimbula, Foreshores, Gindoran, Isis River, Kinkuna, Kullogum, Lowmead, Mount Tom, Rodds Bay, Rosedale, Round Hill, Waterloo, Woodgate and Yandaran plus parts of Monduran.
It is comprised of parts of the councils of Bundaberg and Gladstone.
It is surrounded by the state electorates of Bundaberg, Callide, Gladstone, Hervey Bay and Maryborough.
It is comprised of parts of the federal electorates of Flynn and Hinkler.