Abuse & Assault Services in Bundaberg
Abuse & Assault Services
EDON Place
Edon Place Domestic And Family Violence CentreEDON Place provides crisis accommodation and support services for women (and their children) experiencing/escaping dometic violence.
Abuse & Assault Services
Phoenix House Association Incorporated - Bundaberg
Phoenix HouseCrisis response, support, counselling, groups and education in relation to sexual assault. 24 hr crisis response for children, young people and women and males who have been recently sexually assaulted, support and counselling, resources, Bumblebees group for pre-school children, Fostering Healthy Futures for children in out of home care due to sexual and physical violence.
Bundaberg Central
Abuse & Assault Services
Regather Therapeutic Support
Regather Therapeutic SupportRegather is a counselling and social work service that supports people from 12 years + to manage the complexities in life. Regather is committed human rights, celebrating difference and is committed to doing no more harm. Please make contact for a free 15 minute consultation. Regather is also an unregistered NDIS service provider and provides counselling for multiple My Aged Care providers.
Abuse & Assault Services
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Hotline to report concerns about abuse or neglect of a person with a disability.