Welfare Assistance & Support Services in Bundaberg
Alcohol & Other Drugs Program
Indigenous Wellbeing CentreThe IWC Alcohol and Other Drugs program provides counselling, case management, early intervention and education services.
Angels Community Group
A not-for-profit, community-based organisation & registered charity with the ACNC, providing access to quality employment & training programs, innovative social enterprises and charitable projects.
Bundaberg South
Bundaberg ATSI Housing & Advancement Society
Bundaberg Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Housing & Advancement SocietyHousing for indigenous families and individuals. Reasonable rental accommodation to Indigenous families/individuals.
Avenell Heights
CatholicCare Central Queensland - Bundaberg
CatholicCare Central QueenslandSchool Savvy CQ is an annual back-to-school resources program that offers extremely low-cost school uniforms and stationery to families struggling with the rising back-to-school costs. School Savvy CQ pop-up shops are held in January of each year.
Bundaberg West
EDON Place
Edon Place Domestic And Family Violence CentreCrisis counselling, support and court support, and access to accommodation for women escaping domestic violence.. Provided as an outreach service from Bundaberg.
IMPACT Community Services - Bundaberg
Impact Community ServicesImpact Community Services offers a range of supports such as mental health, family social support, parenting programmes, youth programmes; employment services, disability support, training programmes; muliticultural support services; Outreach Van; community choir and many other affiliated programmes and supports
St Vincent de Paul Society Bundaberg - Emergency Relief
St Vincent de Paul Society QueenslandFinancial support for eligible clients experiencing hardship..
Welfare Assistance & Support Services
StandBy Support After Suicide
YouturnStandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide. The StandBy program is focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life, including: Individuals, Families, Friends, Witnesses, First Responders, Service Providers. 1300 727 247
Suncare Community Services - Bundaberg
Suncare Community ServicesSuncare prides itself on working compassionately and genuinely listening to the needs of individuals, carers and family members. Our aim is to identify their own strengths, goals and aspirations, and to address their needs in timely and creative ways.
National Perinatal Support Program
The Babes Project AustraliaThe Babes Project works with women who are seeking additional support during pregnancy. We run a National support service providing our Perinatal Support Program via phone and video calls for pregnant and early parenting women across Australia, who cannot access one of the Centres.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a 10-month matched savings program that helps people to build their financial skills, establish a savings goal and develop long term saving habits. When finished, participants receive up to $500 in matched savings which can be used for education costs such as computers and tablets, text books and uniforms.
Seeds Of Hope Community Services Ltd
Seeds Of Hope Community ServicesWe provide fee and interest free loans up to $1000 to people on Centrelink to escape pawn brokers, pay day lenders, rent/buy contracts. We also assist with car registration. This project is called Financial Choices and is funded via philanthropic grants. We operate statewide with over the phone support.
St John Qld Telephone Services
St John QldOur Community Calls service (previously known as Silver Cord) is a Queensland wide telephone reassurance service aimed at improving social connections. If you or a loved one are feeling lonely or isolated, or would just appreciate an extra check-in or chat during the week, our telephone services can help.
Suncare Community Services - Hervey Bay
Suncare Community ServicesSuncare prides itself on working compassionately and genuinely listening to the needs of individuals, carers and family members. Our aim is to identify their own strengths, goals and aspirations, and to address their needs in timely and creative ways. When making decisions about your in-home care, you need to consider all the options that are right for you or your loved ones.
Women's Legal Service - Annerley
Women's Legal ServiceFree legal help for women in Queensland with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault notes counselling privilege matters.