Legal Assistance & Information Services in Cherbourg
What Is This?
Legal Assistance and Information Services offer support and guidance to individuals and communities regarding legal matters. These services provide legal advice, representation, and information on a wide range of issues, including family law, criminal law, civil disputes, and human rights.
How Is It Funded?
These services are typically fee based. However, some are funded by government grants and non-profit organisations. How much does it cost? Most often this service is fee for service based, however some community organisations provide legal support to disadvantaged individuals at reduced or no cost.
How To Access?
Individuals can access Legal Assistance and Information Services directly by contacting legal firms. Assistance may also be obtained through local legal aid offices, community legal centres, online legal advice platforms, and hotlines. Referrals from other organisations, such as social services are also common
General Legal Assistance & Information
Anti Discrimination Commission QLD - Brisbane
Queensland Human Rights CommissionThe Queensland Human Rights Commission works to promote equal opportunity and protect people from unreasonable limitations on their human rights, unlawful discrimination, vilification and sexual harassment. The QHRC manages complaints and assists parties to resolve through conciliation. The Commission also conducts training to raise awareness about human rights and rights and responsibilities.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) helps individuals to resolve complaints about financial products and services. It’s free to the public and you don’t need to pay someone to help you lodge a complaint.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Crime And Corruption Commission
Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm with after hours emergency service. Look after complaints against police, councils, public service etc. Operate to combat major crime, raise public sector integrity and protect witnesses.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Dispute Resolution
Family Mediation DirectWe provide family dispute resolution (mediation) services to separated people who need to reach agreement on children & property matters. We start the process within 2 business days and guarantee our availability for mediation within 5 business days after individual intake sessions are completed.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Mediation Direct
We assist parent going through separation to reach agreements about their children and property.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTQIA+)
LGBTI Legal Service Inc
We offer free and confidential legal advice to Queensland residents who identify as members of the diverse LGBTIQ+ community. Bookings essential. Please call our Client Services team to reserve an appointment with our solicitors. Open weekdays from 9.00 am - 5.00 pm, plus evening advice sessions on Wednesdays until 7.00 pm.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Mediation DirectWe provide mediation services to separated people who need to reach agreement on children & property matters. We start the process within 2 business days and guarantee our availability for mediation within 5 business days after individual intake sessions are completed.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Mental Health Court registry
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Mental Health Court decides the state of mind of people charged with criminal offences.The court hears matters in Brisbane and also conducts hearings via videoconferencing.
Local Advocacy Services
General Legal Assistance & Information
Office Of The Public Guardian
Involuntary guardianship agency for persons identified as having limited decision making capacity
General Legal Assistance & Information
QE11 Courts of Law Complex
Dept Of Justice & Attorney-generalThe Mental Health Court decides the state of mind of people charged with criminal offences.The court hears matters in Brisbane and also conducts hearings via videoconferencing.
Local Advocacy Services
Queensland Council of Civil Liberties
Queensland Council for Civil LibertiesThe Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (QCCL) is a voluntary organisation concerned with the protection of individual rights and civil liberties. It was founded in 1966 in order to protect and promote the human rights and freedoms of Queensland citizens.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House - Brisbane
Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing HouseLawRight is an independent not-for-profit community legal centre. LawRight improves the lives of vulnerable people by increasing access to justice through various services including the: Pro Bono Connect, Court and Tribunal Services, Duty Lawyer Services, Outreach Legal Clinics and Health Justice Partnerships.
General Advocacy Services
Local Advocacy Services
General Legal Assistance & Information
General Welfare & Support Services
Women's Legal Service - Annerley
Women's Legal ServiceFree legal help for women in Queensland with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault notes counselling privilege matters.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Women's Legal Service - Rural, Regional & Remote Legal Advice
Women's Legal ServiceRural, Regional & Remote Legal Advice Line 1800 457 117 Tuesday: 9.30am - 1.30pm Women’s Legal Service is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal and social work services to Queensland women. We assist women in the areas of family law, child support, domestic violence and child protection, as well as providing community legal education.
Disability Information & Counselling
General Legal Assistance & Information
Your Story Disability Legal Support
Your Story Disability Legal Support empowers people with disability to safely share their story with the Disability Royal Commission and connect with local support services. We work in partnership with communities to deliver a person centred, trauma-informed and culturally safe legal service.