Crisis & Emergency Services in Doomadgee
What Is This?
This is a where you can find information for welfare services, household emergency relief such as food parcels and vouchers, assistance during financial crisis, and support if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence. Additionally, this category provides links to Emergency Services agencies – inclusive of contacts for natural disasters.
How Is It Funded?
Either free or partially funded with most services provided by not-for-profit organisations. Other supports are funded through government agencies. How much does it cost? Cost is usually free.
How To Access?
You can access these supports by contacting the organisation directly, or by referral from government agencies.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Here 4 You CounsellingFiona views her counselling services as a space for constructive dialogue, where she collaborates with clients to build empowerment and self-awareness. She uses tailored strategies to help clients achieve their personal goals. With extensive experience in diverse settings, Fiona provides effective and compassionate support to individuals from all walks of life, including pre-adolescents, teenagers
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Suicide & Self Harm Information
Domestic and Family Violence Mensline
DvconnectMensline is a free, confidential telephone, counselling, referral and support service especially set up for men.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Domestic and Family Violence Womensline
DvconnectTelephone counselling and refuge referral 24/7 Queensland wide DVConnect, Womensline.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Drug & Alcohol Services
Family Drug Support Australia
Information, help and support for families affected by drug use.
Suicide & Self Harm Information
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Lifeline - National phone service
UnitingCareLifeline connects people with care by providing Crisis Support; Suicide Prevention; Mental Health Support.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre
Lifeline and National Cannabis Prevention & Information CentreThe Helpline is a confidential information and support line for cannabis users and friends and family who are concerned about cannabis use by those close to them. . We provide counselling, information and referrals that will assist you in your current situation. We will link you to the most appropriate support services and resources for your situation in your area.
Abuse & Assault Services
General Disability Services
Home Care & Safety Services
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Hotline to report concerns about abuse or neglect of a person with a disability.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Drug & Alcohol Services
Needle Clean Up Helpline
Clean Needle Helpline24 hour phone safe needle disposal advice.
Child (and Parent) Information & Counselling
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Mental Health Services
General Support Services & Counselling
Maternity Support Services & Counselling
YourtownParentline offers free confidential phone and WebChat counselling and support for parents and carers of children in Queensland and the Northern Territory.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
Parents Beyond Breakup
PARENTS BEYOND BREAKUP LTDHelping parents deal with the trauma of separation; a major cause of suicide in Australia. Support is available by phone, email, and in-person & online support groups.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
Police Link
Queensland Police ServiceEvery day the Queensland Police Service, your police service, works tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of the community.
Crisis Counselling & Intervention Services
General Support Services & Counselling
Loss & Grief Support Services & Counselling
Suicide & Self Harm Information
Suicide Call Back - National Phone Service
On The Line AustraliaThe Suicide Call Back Service is a 24-hour, nationwide service that provides telephone and online counselling to people 15 years and over who fit one of the following categories: People who are suicidal, people who are caring for someone who is suicidal, people bereaved by suicide or health professionals supporting people affected by suicide.
General Crisis and Emergency Services
SES, Rural Fire, Lifesavers, Search & Rescue
Team Rubicon Australia
Team Rubicon Australia unites the skills and experiences of Australian Defence Force veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response teams around the globe.
Mental Health Services
1300 MH CALL
Metro South Hospital And Health Service1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.
Animal Shelters
DV Connect Pets in Crisis
DvconnectPets in Crisis is a foster care program to help facilitate safe refuge for animals at risk until they can be reunited with their families
Mental Health Services
Suicide & Self Harm Information
The Way Back Support Service
selectabilityA Beyond Blue suicide prevention service has been launched in Mount Isa to support people’s recovery after a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis. The Way Back Support Service supports people during the critical three-month period following a suicide attempt or suicidal crisis.