
Dialysis service (Specialists)

Renal Services

Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service

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About Us

Renal medicine is a medical specialty concerned with the kidneys. The kidneys are vital organs that filter the bloodstream, clearing waste products and controlling the body’s level of water and chemicals. Chronic kidney disease is a condition where a person has evidence of kidney damage or reduced kidney function. 

People with end-stage kidney disease require dialysis or a kidney transplant to stay alive. 

Renal services are at Rockhampton Hospital, with a community dialysis on the corner of East and Archer Streets, Rockhampton, and Satellite Dialysis at Woorabinda and Gladstone Hospital. 


  • In centre dialysis (acute and chronic) at Rockhampton Hospital 

  • chronic kidney disease management 

  • management of acute kidney injury (including administration of cytotoxic therapy) 

  • haemodialysis (acute and chronic) 

  • continuing care of patients who have had renal transplants 

  • self-care dialysis unit at Rockhampton Community Dialysis Service and at Woorabinda 

  • remote satellite dialysis at Gladstone and Woorabinda Hospitals 

  • Advanced Indigenous Health worker education, support and follow up for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community in Central Queensland 

  • home therapy patients in Central Queensland and Central West region. 

How to access this service 

To access this service, your GP or medical practitioner will need to send a referral letter to Rockhampton Hospital. The Renal Service takes patients from the Central Queensland and Central West regions. If there is a waiting list*, you will receive a confirmation letter and be advised on what to do next. If there is no waiting list, you will receive an appointment booking letter or we will contact you to arrange a suitable time for your appointment. 

*Wait times will vary at our outpatient clinics with urgent appointments seen as soon as possible.

Upcoming Events at Renal Services

Quick Facts About The Region

Gladstone Hospital is located in the suburb of West Gladstone, the council of Gladstone, the state electorate of Gladstone and the federal electorate of Flynn.