General Disability Services

Empowering Minds & Development

Empowering Minds & Development

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About Us

Empowering Minds and Development is a registered provider specializing in delivering support to First Nations people. Our expertise lies in Specialist Support Coordination, with a significant emphasis on remote regions, justice involvement, and hospital discharge. We are committed to providing culturally safe and competent services to ensure fair and equitable access for all.

Our extensive experience in these areas allows us to offer targeted support and tailored solutions to individuals facing complex challenges. By leveraging our specialised knowledge, we are adept at navigating the intricacies of the relevant systems, ensuring our clients receive the most effective and appropriate support to meet their unique needs.

Quick Facts About The Region

Empowering Minds & Development is located in the suburb of Brookwater, the council of Ipswich, the state electorate of Jordan and the federal electorate of Oxley.