Legal Assistance & Information Services in Logan
What Is This?
Legal Assistance and Information Services offer support and guidance to individuals and communities regarding legal matters. These services provide legal advice, representation, and information on a wide range of issues, including family law, criminal law, civil disputes, and human rights.
How Is It Funded?
These services are typically fee based. However, some are funded by government grants and non-profit organisations. How much does it cost? Most often this service is fee for service based, however some community organisations provide legal support to disadvantaged individuals at reduced or no cost.
How To Access?
Individuals can access Legal Assistance and Information Services directly by contacting legal firms. Assistance may also be obtained through local legal aid offices, community legal centres, online legal advice platforms, and hotlines. Referrals from other organisations, such as social services are also common
General Legal Assistance & Information
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Service Queensland - Beenleigh
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld South)Services Provided: Criminal, Family and Civil Law
General Legal Assistance & Information
Commission Centre - Woodridge
Legal Aid QueenslandCall us or visit our website to get free legal information about your legal problems.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Department of Corrective Services - Probation and Parole Office - Beenleigh
Department of Corrective ServicesHigher risk offenders will be given the opportunity to attend the new Making Choices program. This intensive 100 hour program provides offenders with the opportunity to develop and practise more effective self management, communication and interpersonal skills. This program is also suitable for those offenders who display a propensity toward violent behaviour.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Department of Corrective Services - Probation and Parole Office - Logan
Department of Corrective ServicesHigher risk offenders will be given the opportunity to attend the new Making Choices program. This intensive 100 hour program provides offenders with the opportunity to develop and practise more effective self management, communication and interpersonal skills. This program is also suitable for those offenders who display a propensity toward violent behaviour.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Have a legal matter?
YFSYFS Legal is Logan's only community legal centre. We specialise in criminal matters for young people and general legal advice.
Slacks Creek
General Legal Assistance & Information
Lawchoice Australia - Referral Service
Lawchoice AustraliaA free lawyer referral service which uses past client reviews to put you in touch with the most suitable and well-rated local lawyer.
Local Advocacy Services
Lawchoice AustraliaLegal crowdfunding for important legal cases and causes supported by Australia's local community legal centres. Anyone can start a fundraising campaign.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Legal Aid Queensland - Woodridge
Legal Aid QueenslandLegal Aid Queensland works with our partners to provide access to justice for disadvantaged Queenslanders by providing legal information, advice and representation.
Logan Central
General Legal Assistance & Information
Men's Legal Service - Underwood
Men's Legal ServiceMen's Legal Service provides pragmatic and cost effective legal advice to men experiencing family law or domestic violence matters.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Mens Rights Agency
Mens Rights Agency provides support, information and assistance when facing family separation, family courts, mediation, children's needs, child support, property settlements, domestic violence, false allegations, paternity testing, discimination or other civil/criminal legal problems
General Legal Assistance & Information
Migration Advice Service (MAS) (Woodridge)
St Vincent de Paul Society QueenslandThe Migration Advice Service (MAS) is an initiative of the St Vincent de Paul Society offering free migration and visa advice at locations across Brisbane and Gold Coast.
General Legal Assistance & Information
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Redland Legal - Logan & Beenleigh
Redland LegalWe can assist with Family, Criminal and Civil matters. We are also preferred suppliers of legal aid.
General Legal Assistance & Information
South East Placement Services and Support Unit
Department Of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child SafetyAffected communities can seek departmental recovery assistance funds. Phone: 1800 173 349
General Child Services
General Legal Assistance & Information
The Browns Plains Child Protection & Investigation Unit
Queensland Police ServiceThe Brisbane Central District Child Protection & Investigation Unit works with juvenile offenders and young victims of crime, investigating child abuse and general child related crimes and providing cautioning to children up to 17 years.
Browns Plains
Child Protection Services
General Child Services
General Legal Assistance & Information
The Logan Child Protection & Investigation Unit
Bundaberg Detailing CentreThe Brisbane Central District Child Protection & Investigation Unit works with juvenile offenders and young victims of crime, investigating child abuse and general child related crimes and providing cautioning to children up to 17 years of age.
General Support Services & Counselling
General Legal Assistance & Information
YFS Legal - Rowan Street, Slacks Creek
YFSOur Rowan Street centre is located in the heart of Logan, just up the road from our Slacks Creek offices. From Rowan Street, we offer a number of programs and services.
Slacks Creek
General Legal Assistance & Information
Anti Discrimination Commission QLD - Brisbane
Queensland Human Rights CommissionThe Queensland Human Rights Commission works to promote equal opportunity and protect people from unreasonable limitations on their human rights, unlawful discrimination, vilification and sexual harassment. The QHRC manages complaints and assists parties to resolve through conciliation. The Commission also conducts training to raise awareness about human rights and rights and responsibilities.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) helps individuals to resolve complaints about financial products and services. It’s free to the public and you don’t need to pay someone to help you lodge a complaint.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Crime And Corruption Commission
Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm with after hours emergency service. Look after complaints against police, councils, public service etc. Operate to combat major crime, raise public sector integrity and protect witnesses.
Mediation & Ombudsman Support
Family Dispute Resolution
Family Mediation DirectWe provide family dispute resolution (mediation) services to separated people who need to reach agreement on children & property matters. We start the process within 2 business days and guarantee our availability for mediation within 5 business days after individual intake sessions are completed.