Peak, Industry and Funding Bodies in Mount Isa
What Is This?
Peak Industry and Funding Bodies are organisations that represent, support, and fund industry sectors. These bodies work to promote industry standards, provide funding opportunities, advocate for policy changes, and offer resources and support to their members.
How Is It Funded?
These bodies are typically funded through a combination of government grants, membership fees, industry levies, philanthropic donations, and corporate sponsorships. Some bodies also receive funding from international organisations and partnerships. How much does it cost? You will need to contact each organisation as membership costs differ across Industry and Funding Bodies
How To Access?
Individuals and organisations can access Peak Industry and Funding Bodies by becoming members, applying for grants and funding programs, attending industry events and conferences, and utilizing the resources and support services offered by these bodies. Many have websites and contact information available for inquiries and applications.
Skills Alliances
Australian Women In Agriculture (AWiA)
Australian Women In AgricultureAustralia's peak organisation for women across all areas in agriculture since 1994. We are a network of women across Australian agriculture and beyond. Together, we are a stronger voice and a voice that can make a difference.
Peak Bodies
Checkup AustraliaCheckUP Australia fosters innovation and integration, working collaboratively to deliver practical solutions focused on best practice outcomes—for a better primary health care sector and better health
Peak Bodies
Council On The Ageing Queensland
COTA Queensland, a member of the COTA Federation is a for purpose registered charity committed to advancing the rights, needs, interests and futures of people as we age. Our vision is that ageing in Queensland is a time of possibility, opportunity and influence.
Peak Bodies
Diabetes Queensland
Diabetes Australia - QueenslandDiabetes Queensland is the peak body for people with diabetes in Queensland, providing a powerful voice for people living with or at risk of diabetes.
Peak Bodies
Hepatitis Queensland
Hepatitis Queensland is the peak body for the hepatitis and liver health sector in Queensland. We are a community based, non-government organisation providing a range of initiatives, projects and programs to address stigma, improve the lives of those affected by viral hepatitis and meet emerging liver health challenges.
Peak Bodies
Kidney Health Australia
We are the peak body for kidney health in Australia. For over 50 years, we have connected people to the vital information, education and support services they need to preserve their kidney health and live a better quality of life if they are diagnosed with kidney disease.
General Advocacy Services
Local Advocacy Services
National & International Advocacy Services
Community Media
General Communication & Information
General Community Clubs
Disability Information & Counselling
General Disability Services
Special Education Programs
General Support Services & Counselling
General Self Help Services
Carer Information
Peak Bodies
Limbs 4 Life
Limbs 4 Life is the peak body for amputees in Australia and was founded as an incorporated charity in 2004. Limbs 4 Life provides services to thousands of amputees and their care givers, who rely on the programs and services for assistance prior to, or after a limb amputation.
Peak Bodies
Peak Body for Queensland's Community Mental Health Sector
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthThe Queensland Alliance For Mental Health reforms, promotes and drive community mental health and wellbeing services for all Queenslanders, through its influence and collaboration with its Members and strategic partners.
Peak Bodies
Pharmacy Guild of Australia - Queensland
THE PHARMACY GUILD OF AUSTRALIAQUEENSLAND BRANCHThe Pharmacy Guild of Australia is the national peak body representing community pharmacy.
Peak Bodies
Psychosocial Peak Body
Queensland Alliance For Mental HealthAs the Psychosocial Peak Body in Queensland, QAMH provides information about services in your area, training to boost inclusion and advocates directly to Government on issues affecting people experiencing psychosocial difficulties.
Peak Bodies
Queensland Youth Housing Coalition
The QYHC provides information to young people throughout Queensland who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Peak Bodies
Western Queensland PHN - Winton
Western Queensland PHNThe Western Queensland PHN’s goal is to improve the integration of primary care services to create seamless health care in our shared communities across Western Queensland.