Aged Care Accommodation Services

Waroona Multipurpose Centre

South West Hospital and Health Service

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About Us

Waroona Multipurpose Centre is a 45 bed, 24/7 residential aged care facility with a 24/7 Registered Nurse available.

Types of Care

Residential aged care
Residential aged care is delivered to older people in Australia by service providers who are approved under the Aged Care Act 1997.
Palliative care
Palliative care identifies and treats symptoms which may be physical, emotional, spiritual or social.
Non-dedicated respite care
Respite care allows a carer to attend to everyday activities and have a break from their caring role.

Quick Facts About The Region

Waroona Multipurpose Centre is located in the suburb of Charleville, the council of Murweh, the state electorate of Warrego and the federal electorate of Maranoa.