Aboriginal Health Services in Paroo
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services
South West Hospital and Health ServiceAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officer
South West Hospital and Health ServiceSWHHS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.
Aboriginal Health Services
Creating Options
Drug ARMCreating Options is a twelve week treatment program for people who want help to address issues related to their alcohol or other drug use. Book an appointment by calling the Central Intake Service on (07) 3620 8880.
Aboriginal Health Services
Nukal Murra
Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation For HealthNukul Murra, meaning ‘plenty hands’ in local language, reflects our joint aspirations to create greater service alignment, integration and consumer engagement to improve the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Western Queensland (Western QLD Primary Health Network, 2022).
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers
South West Hospital and Health ServiceAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.
Aboriginal Health Services
Indigenous Respiratory Outreach Care (IROC)
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceWe aim to raise awareness of respiratory diseases through community engagement, lung health promotion, education, partnerships with local health providers, training and research.