Health Rehabilitation Services in Paroo
Health Rehabilitation Services
Activ8 Health Club
A registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Health Rehabilitation Services
Daily Living Products - Bayswater
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
Health Rehabilitation Services
Daily Living Products - Wanneroo
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
Health Rehabilitation Services
Performance Physio & Rehab
Physiotherapy services including sports, necks and backs, persistant pain, lymphodema and vocal dysfunction. Rehab in pools and gyms Online services available - exercise advise, assessments and PSYCHOLOGY inclusive clinic
Health Rehabilitation Services
STEPS Program
Queensland HealthThe Skills To Enable People and CommunitieS (STEPS) Program is a Queensland-wide information and skills program for adults aged 18-65 years with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), including stroke, and their families and friends.
Health Rehabilitation Services
Teen Challenge - New Life Centre - QLD
Teen Challenge Care QldTeen Challenge provides a residential rehabilitation program for men and women who struggle with drug and/or alcohol addiction and other life controlling issues.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services
South West Hospital and Health ServiceAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officer
South West Hospital and Health ServiceSWHHS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Liaison Officers and Health Workers advocate on behalf of and provide support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients, their families and carers throughout their healthcare journey including liaising with clinical staff to ensure culturally appropriate communication and services are provided.
Aged Care Accommodation
South West Hospital and Health ServiceAged Care Accommodation is available at the Cunnamulla Hospital. A facility for the residential care of elderly or disabled people.
Aged Care Assessment
South West Hospital and Health ServiceThe Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), conduct comprehensive assessments of the care needs of older people with complex needs and help them access the most suitable types of care, including approval for Commonwealth subsidised aged care. They are assessed for eligibility for care under the Aged Care Act 1997, with approval subject to a decision by an ACAT delegate.
Audiology - Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation For HealthProvides Audiology across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service)
Blue Care - Cunnamulla Community Care
Blue CareHCP L2 Home care packages Housework Chronic disease management Nursing care - general Nursing care - post acute Medication management Dementia management / care Diabetes management Palliative care Wound care management HITH - Hospital in the Home Spiritual and pastoral care Personal hygiene and grooming Respite - in your home Social activities - individual and group
Cardiac Nurse
South West Hospital and Health ServiceSWHHS Cardiac Nurse treat and care for patients with a variety of heart diseases or conditions. This can include patients suffering from coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure, or those recovering from angioplasty or bypass surgery. • please contact +61 7 4655 8100 for more information.
Cardiac Testing/Sleep Testing - Vital Health Qld
Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation For HealthProvides Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Dietetics, and Occupational Therapy across various regions of Queensland. (Multiple Providers)
South West Hospital and Health ServiceThe team will work with you to improve your heart health and reduce deaths from heart disease and stroke focus on prevention and treat heart disease and stroke and improving overall heart health.
CatholicCare - Paroo
CatholicCare - Darling DownsOur Community Service Facilitators are based throughout SW Queensland and focus on sharing information to empower communities to be aware of available services and pathways.
CatholicCare - Paroo
CatholicCare - Darling DownsWe provide family counselling and family mediation both online and face to face with prior booking.
Chronic Disease Management
South West Hospital and Health ServiceThe Chronic Disease Management team works with patients in relation to general and individual health concerns, they also support patients to plan for health care and treatments associated with a wide range of chronic illnesses.
Counselling - Wakai Waian Healing
Cunnamulla Medical PracticeProvides Counselling across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Wakai Waian Healing)
Counselling - Wakai Waian Healing
Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation For HealthProvides Counselling across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Wakai Waian Healing)