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Introduction To Mindfulness Meditation - 4 Weeks

Each week we explore different ways of understanding and practicing mindfulness - in day to day living, our body, our breath, our thoughts, our feelings. And how we care for ourselves while we care and interact with others.

This shorter course is for those who are looking for a taste of Mindfulness: 

  • If the 8 week course seems too much for you - time wise or intensity wise.   

  • To try out the practices and see if it's a good fit...with the option of taking on a  more in-depth 8 week Mindfulness course later on.

  •  To refresh your Mindfulness practices if you've done the 8 week course or if you already have a Meditation practice and wanted to  further explore the benefits of Mindfulness.

 Initial mindfulness training can offer immediate, practical skills and knowledge so that you can embed mindfulness into your everyday life.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course -8 Weeks

Fully immerse in the teachings & practices of Mindfulness. This is an evidenced based course developed by Emeritus Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979 for people suffering chronic and acute stress, chronic pain and illness, and associated anxiety and depression

This 8 week course can help be-friend, calm and focus the heart, mind and body. This helps relieve symptoms of stress, mild anxiety or low mood  or improve capacity to respond with more equilibrium and core self elements.  

One:One Sessions

If a group setting doesn’t work for you can do the course one:one, which is 1.5 hrs/wk working with Helen …days and times are flexible.

Individual sessions explore how to tailor stress management to your individual needs. Helen uses a variety of strategies including mindfulness meditation, breathing and coaching to help support you.

On-line sessions available via Zoom or phone consultations if preferred. Days and times flexible. Email Helen with your expression of interest. Or phone 0401557338 to talk your options through.

criteria & referral

To access the course at NO COST there is  basic criteria (below) with a short interview in person, via phone or Zoom prior to the course commencing. You can self-refer or your GP or Health Practitioner can refer.

  • It can be to improve overall wellbeing or help manage stress, mild anxiety or depression symptoms. or for those who've recovered from a more serious mental illness and want to help prevent a relapse. 

  • It is suited to anyone over 18 - men and women - no cost for those living in the Stanthorpe & Granite Belt areas of Qld.

  • If you live further afield within the Southern Downs eg Texas, Inglewood or Warwick you may apply for free spot if sufficient places available. 

  • NSW residents & elsewhere in Qld are not eligible for the free course, however if enough interest a fee paying course  maybe made available via Zoom. Please lodge your EOI if you would like to participate in this course.

  • If you are interested, you do need to commit to attending a 2.5 hr session for group course or 1.5 hr for the Introduction to Mindfulness or individual course, each week and about 45 mins of daily home practice.  

what do i get from the course? 

  • an individual interview with the teacher

  • a 2.5 or 1.5 hour class once a week

  • one full retreat day if you do the MBSR course

  • mindful movement and body awareness

  • exploration of habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and action

  • discussion time

  • individual feedback and if required follow up support

  • scientific rationale for the practice

  • guide to daily home practice using audio tracks via an App and course book

Quick Facts About The Region

Mallow Wellbeing is located in the suburb of Greenlands, the council of Southern Downs, the state electorate of Southern Downs and the federal electorate of Maranoa.