Hospitals in Woorabinda
Acute Inpatient Services
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceAcute inpatient services support people who cannot be assessed and treated safely and effectively in the community. General hospitals commonly provide acute inpatient services.
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceWhen you come to hospital for a scheduled appointment, you are known as an "outpatient". You will receive a phone call, letter or SMS confirming your appointment date and time. As an outpatient you will usually see a specialist doctor and a range of other health professionals. You may require an x-ray or other tests.
Renal Services
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceRenal medicine is a medical specialty concerned with the kidneys. The kidneys are vital organs that filter the bloodstream, clearing waste products and controlling the body’s level of water and chemicals. Chronic kidney disease is a condition where a person has evidence of kidney damage or reduced kidney function.
Aged Care
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceResidential aged care is for senior Australians who can no longer live in their own home. It includes accommodation and personal care 24 hours a day, as well as access to nursing and general health care services. You may be eligible for subsidy so check with your doctor.
Alcohol & Other Drugs Service
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceWe aim to reduce the harm from alcohol and drug use as well as improve the health and wellbeing of our clients, their families, and the community. Our main office is in Rockhampton but we also provide outreach services to other areas including Yeppoon, Emerald, Blackwater and Biloela. Our Youth Alcohol and Other Drugs Service in Rockhampton specialises in assisting young people aged 12-18 years.
Audiology - Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceProvides Audiology, and Audiology (TeleH) across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service)
Child & Family Health
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceWe provide a range of community health and support services for children and their parents or carers to give every child the best possible start in life.
Diabetes Educator
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceDiabetes Educator services provide clients, diagnosed with diabetes, with effective self-managing strategies to improve the quality of life and prevent complications. Diabetes Educator services can provide clients with information, support, and motivation in the management of diabetes and the link with other health professionals.
Emergency Department
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceCQ Health hospital emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including public holidays. There is no need to call first, just arrive at the department at any time.
Home Care
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceHome Care services provides community-based services to assist clients over 65 years of age or First Nations peoples over 50 years of age to receive support and care in their home and their community.
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceThe mission of our unit is to provide the highest standard of care to mothers and babies, before, during and after the birth, promoting the health and well-being of the family unit.
Psychology - Jaime Parnell
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceProvides Psychology across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Jaime Parnell)
Woorabinda Hospital
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceProvides Physician - Surgery - Ear Nose & Throat, Physician - Ear Nose & Throat (TeleH), and Physician - Anaesthetics - Ear Nose & Throat - Registrar across various regions of Queensland.(Provided by Children's Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service)
Woorabinda Multipurpose Health Service
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceWoorabinda Multipurpose Health Service provides an emergency department, inpatient and outpatient care and a range of health services.
Metro South Hospital And Health ServiceIt's not an emergency but it could be serious. 24 hour health line. Qualified staff will give you advice on who to talk to and how quickly to do it.
1300 MH CALL
Metro South Hospital And Health Service1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceAdis has operated for over 30 years as Queensland’s first port of call for anyone with alcohol and drug concerns. We are a 24 hour, 7 day a week confidential support service offering support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals.
CQ Youth Connect - CQHHS
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceIn 2014, CQ Youth Connect (CQYC) developed a Holistic Health Care Model that empowers Youth, and delivers Holistic Health Care Services and Awareness across Central Queensland. CQYC acknowledges Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples and we pay our respects to their Elders, past and present who we share this great Country with. Our aim is to empower Youth in making informed Health decisions.
Gumma Gundoo: Antenatal Maternity Service
Central Queensland Hospital and Health ServiceWe provide community based antenatal, postnatal and infant care services to pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women or women having an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander baby.
Indigenous Cardiac Outreach Program (ICOP)
Metro North Hospital And Health ServiceWe aim to raise awareness of cardiac diseases through community engagement, education, partnerships with local health providers, training and research.