Transport Services in Devonport
What Is This?
Transport Services provide various modes of transportation to help individuals and communities travel efficiently and safely. These services include public transport, taxi and rideshare services, community transport for those with mobility issues, and support for individuals with disabilities to access transport options.
How Is It Funded?
Transport Services are primarily funded by government subsidies, and ticket sales. Additional funding comes from grants, public-private partnerships, and community initiatives. Some services, like those for individuals with disabilities, may receive specific government support and subsidies. How much does it cost? Costs vary depending on transport method and locations.
How To Access?
Individuals can access Transport Services through local public transport, taxi and rideshare apps, and community transport programs. Information on accessing these services is available through government websites, community centres, and public transport authorities.
Disability Employment & Training Services
APM - Devonport Futures
APMThe APM Futures team is a registered NDIS provider delivering Employment Support for School Leavers and Finding and Keeping a Job supports for any working age participant wanting assistance to explore and achieve their work goals. We are also available to support participants already in work, wanting extra help to meet work goals, e.g., staying focused, communicating or managing behaviour.
Visual Arts
Big hART
Big hART is a campaigning arts company, supporting communities to overcome disadvantage, and driving long-term social change. We make art – We produce compelling, authentic, high-quality content telling hidden stories of injustice. We build community – We develop positive, non-welfare initiatives for and with communities.
Hearing Services
bloom hearing specialists Devonport
Bloom Hearingbloom hearing specialists is a hearing healthcare provider dedicated to helping Australians understand their hearing issues and helping them on their hearing journey. We have over 200 clinics across Australia with fully qualified and accredited hearing specialists who are passionate about educating on hearing health and finding personalised hearing solutions.
General Health Services
Health Rehabilitation Services
General Disability Services
Daily Living Products - Bayswater
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
General Disability Services
General Ageing Services
Health Rehabilitation Services
Daily Living Products - Wanneroo
Daily Living ProductsYour local mobility, assistive living & daily living aids retailer. NDIS registered provider
General Communication & Information
Devonport City Council
Devonport City Council is a values-based organisation. Values are the underlying attitudes that consistently affect all of our actions and decision-making processes.
Disability Employment & Training Services
EPIC Assist - Devonport
EPIC AssistEPIC Assist has been helping people with disability secure meaningful, sustainable employment for over 30 years. We understand the importance of staying on your employment journey for as long as you need us. We don’t walk away; we provide on-the-job, individualised support for each and every person. We'll work with you to help you realise what's possible.
General Support Services & Counselling
Feenikx Counselling and Mediation
We are a privately owned Tasmanian based business specialising in Private & Confidential Counselling and Family Mediation services.
Allied Health
My FootDr Devonport
My FootDrProvides Health Services - Allied Health in the Devonport area
General Disability Services
Personal Care (Disability Service Provider)
DTC CareCore Supports that enable participants to complete activities of daily living. We assist participants by assisting them to achieve their goal of completing daily personal activities, and Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements. Assistance in participation in community, social and civic activities.
General Health Services
Priority One Independent Living And Mobi
Provides the following services: Specialised Driver Training, Assist Prod-Pers Care/Safety, Assistive Prod-Household Task, Personal Mobility Equipment, Therapeutic Supports
Allied Health
Resolve Physiotherapy And Industrial Hea
Provides the following services: Therapeutic Supports
East Devonport
General Disability Services
Total Support Services (TAS)
Total Support ServicesAt Total Support Services, we deliver personalised support services for over 700 people with disability nationwide. We recognise that everyone is unique, so your support should be too. We offer SUPPORT COORDINATION, IN-HOME SUPPORT, PLAN MANAGEMENT, RESPITE + MORE! Everything tailored to your wants and needs, with 24-hour response available to all clients, so you can always count on us.
Sexual Support Services & Counselling
MHSTAre you experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence? Seeking to support someone who is? Qualified, experienced counsellors are available 24/7 to provide support, information and referral. Call 000 if in danger.
General Education Programs
A Team Tuition - HEAD OFFICE
A Team TuitionA Team Tuition offers one-on-one tutoring, in person or online, allowing your child to create a connection with their Academic Personal Trainer. We offer all subjects across all year levels in all state curriculums.
General Disability Services
Ability Consultants
We create freedom and social connection for people with disability through easy access to Positive Behaviour Support. We support NDIS participants throughout Australia, including Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart and regional Australia.
General Ageing Services
Acorn Stairlifts
We supply and install stairlifts in private residences and commercial properties to enable the user to safely navigate the staircase. We are the only direct manufacturers in Australia and can install with 7 - 10 days. Our stairlift is the slimmest on the market, we have everything in stock in our warehouse in O'Connor and have a number of of demonstration lifts to view.
Health Rehabilitation Services
Activ8 Health Club
A registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Allied Health
Active Nutrition
'Offering Telehealth Only' Dietitian/Nutritionist private practice providing telehealth (video and telephone) support, information and motivation in the areas of health and nutrition. Rebates available from Medicare and Private Health.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Addiction In-Home Recovery (AIR Detox)
Our in-home detox program enables our patients to safely withdraw from alcohol or cannabis within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Our doctor makes daily home visits to closely monitor your withdrawal and provides 24hr support so we are with you every step of the way. We also create a personalised aftercare plan for you and provide 12 months of ongoing support.