Aboriginal Health Services in Albany
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Well Being & Resilience - Great Southern
Amity HealthIf you want to take time out for a yarn and a cuppa, our resiliency program for Aboriginal people runs in Mount Barker, Gnowangerup, Tambellup, Moora, Narrogin and Merredin. Contact our Albany office for more information from Monday to Friday during office hours.
Aboriginal Health Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing and Resilience Program - Albany
Palmerston AssociationCoordinators work with individuals, families and community to build and enhance a strong connection to culture and country thereby increasing resilience in individuals and the community.
Aboriginal Health Services
Co-Occurring Treatment Services
Palmerston AssociationReduces substance use related harms to people with complex co-occurring mental health issues through the provision of specialist counselling and peer support services.
Aboriginal Health Services
Integrated Team Care - Great Southern
Amity HealthAssists Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to obtain primary health care as required. Provides care coordination services to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic disease/s who require coordinated, multidisciplinary care, and improve access to culturally appropriate mainstream primary care.