Drug & Alcohol Services in Albany
Drug & Alcohol Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing and Resilience Program - Albany
Palmerston AssociationCoordinators work with individuals, families and community to build and enhance a strong connection to culture and country thereby increasing resilience in individuals and the community.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Great Southern Community Alcohol and Drug Service - Albany
Palmerston AssociationThe Great Southern Community Alcohol and Drug Service provides a comprehensive range of free and confidential alcohol and other drug services in Albany and across the Great Southern region.
Drug & Alcohol Services
headspace - Albany
Youth Focusheadspace Albany is a place where you can talk to professionals who are specially trained to help young people aged 12-25. We can help with mental and emotional health, physical and sexual health, alcohol or drug use, and work and study support. This service is free to access and funded by the Federal Government.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Youth and Family Support Service
Palmerston AssociationCounselling support for young people aged 12-24 and their families who are affected by alcohol and drugs. Counsellor’s provide support through outreach or at our branches in Albany or Katanning to help reduce the harmful impacts of drugs and alcohol. The service can be accessed directly by anyone seeking service for themselves or a loved one and referrals are accepted from any service provider.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Alcohol and Drug Support Line is a 24/7 non-judgemental and confidential telephone counselling, information, referral and support line for alcohol and drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Meth Helpline
Mental Health CommissionThe Meth Helpline is a confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
24hr Parent and Family Drug Support Line
Mental Health CommissionThe Parent and Family Drug Support Line provides confidential counselling, information and referral by professional counsellors as well as support by Parent Peer Volunteers to parents and families in Western Australia who are concerned about a family members' alcohol or other drug use.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Addiction In-Home Recovery (AIR Detox)
Our in-home detox program enables our patients to safely withdraw from alcohol or cannabis within the comfort and privacy of their own home. Our doctor makes daily home visits to closely monitor your withdrawal and provides 24hr support so we are with you every step of the way. We also create a personalised aftercare plan for you and provide 12 months of ongoing support.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Family Drug Support
FDS provides up to date information on all aspects of alcohol and drug use relative to the families and friends of people who use substances. FDS also operates a National 24 hr, 7 day a week telephone support service for families and friends affected by alcohol and other drug issues.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Holyoake Wheatbelt Community Alcohol and Drug Service - Northam
HolyoakeCounselling and Support - assisting people who may be experiencing problems with their own or someone else’s substance use. Individual counselling is available, with specially designed programs to assist individuals and their families coping with the consequences of alcohol and other drug use. https://holyoake.org.au/home/programs-in-the-wheatbelt/
Drug & Alcohol Services
Lived Experience education and support
Australian Anti Ice CampaignPrevention Education Advocacy Intervention Peer support Relapse prevention Group therapy
Drug & Alcohol Services
Make Smoking History
Cancer Council WaThe Make Smoking History campaign, run by the Cancer Council of Western Australia with funding from the WA Department of Health, provides information on media campaigns, smoking cessation services and other relevant activities to key CaLD publications and media outlets, working through key bodies such as Ethnic Communities Council of Western Australia and the Office of Multicultural Interests.
Drug & Alcohol Services
Quitline - Western Australia
Cancer Council WaHighly skilled, friendly Quitline counsellors deliver behavioural interventions to help people stop smoking.
Drug & Alcohol Services
SMART Recovery
Smart Recovery Australia LimitedSmart Recovery For all addictive behaviours
Drug & Alcohol Services
Wa Network Of Alcohol & Other Drug Agencies
The Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (WANADA) is the peak body for the alcohol and other drug sector in Western Australia.
Call to Mind
Call to Mind is a telepsychiatry service that allows people across Australia to access quality mental health care. We have a team of psychiatrists and psychologists ranging in availability and speciality to best meet your needs. Consults are held on a video-conferencing platform so you can attend your appointment from anywhere.
Counselling Services Hervey Bay
NDIS Provider- Counselling Individuals, Children and Couples, Clinical Family Therapy, Energy Psychology-Kinesiology and Theta Healing- By Appointments Saturdays. Passionate about helping people to achieve their goals and having a happier healthier life.
Counselling, Career and Consultancy Services
Owen RobinsonExperienced Counsellor/Social Worker (AMHSW) specialising in relationship, anxiety/depression, and trauma counselling. In private practice from 1999. Previously managed a branch of Relationships Australia and a school service. Worked 5 years as a case manager (adult community and inpatient at Armadale Mental Health Service) If Christian counselling is desired ask Owen when you make contact.
headspace Albany
Youth FocusEnsuring young people (12-25 year olds) can access expert health workers in a safe, confidential and youth-friendly environment. headspace can help young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support